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Guia de l'usuari

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Instal·lar Ancestris

Instal·la, torna a instal·lar o actualitza Ancestris a MacOS, Windows i Linux. Requisit previ de ...

Descobriu Ancestris

Visita guiada. Inicieu una nova genealogia o migreu-ne una d'existent des d'un altre programari.

Dominar els menús i les finestres

Descripció de tots els menús i finestres. Visualitzacions, editors i eines.

Finestra Principal

La Finestra Principal d'Ancestris és la que veieu quan s'obre el programari. En cas que no s’obr...

Àrea de treball i finestres

L'àrea de treball Ancestris s'organitza en grups de pestanyes. Grups de pestanyes En l'exemple ...

Relacions entre finestres

Entitat actual, genealogia actual En qualsevol moment dins d'Ancestris, si una o més genealogies...

Barra de Menús

La Barra de Menús d'Ancestris us dóna accés a totes les accions disponibles a través de 7 menús. ...

Menú Arxiu

Aquest menú reagrupa totes les accions per gestionar arxius de genealogia, canviar les propietats...

Menú Editar

Aquest menú reagrupa totes les accions per fer canvis globals a les vostres dades genealògiques: ...

Menú Vista

Aquest menú agrupa totes les accions per accedir a les visualitzacions i editors genealògics de l...

Menú Eines

Aquest menú agrupa totes les eines per explorar, manipular i analitzar dades genealògiques. Ca...

Menú Finestra

Aquest menú reagrupa totes les accions per gestionar les finestres Ancestris. Cadascuna d’aque...

Menú Opcions

Aquest menú reagrupa les accions principals per personalitzar Ancestris. Cadascuna d'aquestes ...

Menú Ajuda

Aquest menú reagrupa totes les accions per obtenir ajuda i ajudar Ancestris. També proporciona in...

Menú contextual

El menú Contextual proporciona accions que depenen d'un objecte i que s'aplicaran a ell. La majo...

Menú Arrossegar i Deixar anar

El menú Arrossegar i Deixar anar es pot utilitzar per copiar entitats a través de genealogies o p...

Barra d'eines

La Barra d'eines de la Finestra Principal d'Ancestris és una barra horitzontal que mostra una sèr...

Barra de Navegació

La barra de navegació permet navegar cap endavant i cap enrere en l'historial de navegació, és a ...

Barra de Cerca

La barra de cerca general us permet trobar qualsevol tipus d'informació a qualsevol lloc dels fit...

Create a new genealogy

This action helps you create a new genealogy. Below is the image of the first page of the wizard...

Open a genealogy

This action opens a genealogy. In Ancestris, a genealogy is stored in a file in the Gedcom forma...


This action imports a Gedcom file. Only Gedcom format files can be imported in Ancestris. Upon ...

Merge genealogies

This action combines two genealogies into one. Please note it does not analyse nor merge dupli...

Modify genealogy properties

This window allows you to modify the description, the main language and the author of any genealo...

Modify place jurisdictions

This windows lets you modify the standard place jurisdictions format of any Gedcom file and also ...

Manage medias files

The Media manager lets you ensure that all media files used in your genealogy exist, either on yo...

Media viewer

The Media viewer displays all the media files of the genealogy in one single window. You can vis...

Convert Gedcom format

This window lets you modify the Gedcom norm or the character formatting of any Gedcom file. Thes...

Save as

The Save as action either makes an identical copy of your genealogy under another Gedcom file nam...


This function exports all or part of a genealogy to other software or genealogy sites. This soft...

Geneanet export

The Geneanet export creates a file totally compatible with the expectations of the Geneanet site ...

Find / Replace

This tool can find or replace any text of the genealogy content. Description In the first two...


This function deletes data elements from a genealogy. Description Your genealogy information ...

Generate Sosa numbers

This function generates or erases genealogical numberings of individuals in a genealogy. The p...

Generate ID numbers

This function renumbers the entities of your genealogy by redefining their identification number....

Mark special individuals

This feature marks or displays certain special individuals in your genealogy such as implex famil...

Age calculation

This function calculates ages of all the individuals at their respective life events. Descript...

See modifications history

This function gives the history of modifications made to a genealogy within Ancestris. Descrip...

Entity card

The Entity card gives an overview of the current entity. The content of the card shows the key...

Entities table

The Entities table lists all the entities of the genealogy and provides detailed information for ...

Dynamic tree

The Dynamic tree shows a genealogy in the form of a tree. You can quickly select any individual ...


The Timeline shows all the individual of the genealogy along a timeline of events that occurred i...

Geographic map

The Geographic map displays all the genealogy events at their location on a map. You can visua...


The Graph shows a view of your genealogy in the form of a graph, where all individuals are displa...

Cygnus editor

The Cygnus editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Cygnus ...

Gedcom editor

The Gedcom editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Gedcom ...

Aries editor

The Aries editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Aries ed...

List of places

The List of Places is a list of all places and corresponding events of the genealogy. All pla...

Table of places

The Table of Places is a global place editor used as a spreadsheet, to help you edit and clean al...

Places editor

The Places editor is an editor dedicated to adding or modifying places, by standardizing their na...

Simple navigator

The Simple navigator allows you to navigate efficiently through the family nucleus of the selecte...

Extended navigator

The Extended navigator allows you to navigate in the genealogical from the family nucleus, and to...

Advanced search

The Advanced search is a powerful tool to search for entities that match multiple criteria, throu...

Genealogy compare

The Genealogy compare tool compares genealogies to find common geographical areas, with similar c...

Registers records

The Registers records tool is designed to develop your genealogy from genealogy records entered b...

Registers records - Appendix

Mapping between register and Gedcom data Case of a birth Birth certificate Individual     I...


The Datulator is a tool to calculate or convert dates. This tool will make your life easier in...


The Calculator is a simple pocket calculator. This saves you the trouble of having to find whe...

Validate Gedcom compliance and data consistency

This tool checks your genealogy data for anomalies, in terms of incompatibility with the Gedcom s...

Merge duplicates

This tool detects duplicate entities and allows you to merge them. Description This tool give...

Common ancestors

This tool identifies the common ancestors of two individuals in the genealogy and displays the co...

Lists and reports

This function launches the Ancestris reports. Some reports can be run directly from the Ancest...

Information Sheets of Individuals/Families

This report produces summary sheets of individuals or families, trees, narrative sheets, in a tot...


The WebBook makes it possible to generate Web pages, from a genealogy file to be placed locally, ...

Web Site

The Website generates a mini web site allowing you to browse your genealogy locally...

Print of current view

This function prints the current view. At this stage, only the Dynamic Tree view can be printe...

Welcome page

The Welcome page helps you get started with Ancestris as well as in its daily use. Description ...

GEDCOM Explorer

The GEDCOM Explorer is a special Ancestris window dedicated to the exploration of each open Gedco...


The Preferences is where you customize a lot of elements of Ancestris. This is what one of the m...

Update Ancestris

This action checks if the version of Ancestris that is already installed on your computer is up t...

Manage extensions

This menu allows you to check or force an Ancestris updates, and to customize Ancestris by instal...

Contact Ancestris Support Team

This feature helps you contact the Ancestris support team by email, describing your problem and a...

Make a donation to Ancestris

Ancestris does not have any specific funding since we are all volunteers and your donations pay f...

Personalitza Ancestris

Com personalitzar Ancestris. Com afegir o eliminar mòduls.