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489 total results found

Tools Menu

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This menu regroups all the tools to explore, manipulate and analyse genealogical data. Each of these actions is described below. When the action has its own description page - it is bold - click on it to get all the details about it. Certain menu actions...

Modify genealogy properties

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This window allows you to modify the description, the main language and the author of any genealogy file in Gedcom format. The description and the main language properties are saved in the header of the Gedcom file. The author information is stored in a Submi...

Entity card

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Entity card gives an overview of the current entity. The content of the card shows the key elements of information regarding this entity. It depends on the entity. Essentially dedicated to consultation, this view does not allow navigation, but has a nu...

See modifications history

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This function gives the history of modifications made to a genealogy within Ancestris. Description If you want to trace precisely what happened in your Gedcom file, modification by modification, this table gives it to you. In 7 columns, this table gives y...

Generate Sosa numbers

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This function generates or erases genealogical numberings of individuals in a genealogy. The possible numberings are the Sosa-Stradonitz, d'Aboville, and Sosa-d'Aboville numberings. In genealogy, these numberings make it possible to easily identify, for a ...


User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This function deletes data elements from a genealogy. Description Your genealogy information is stored in a Gedcom file. In this file, each piece of information is stored in a data element called a Property. Example: Name, date of birth, place of marriage...

Find / Replace

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This tool can find or replace any text of the genealogy content. Description In the first two drop-down menus of this Find/Replace window, you indicate the text to search for, and the text by which to replace it. Previous searches are stored in these drop...


User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This function exports all or part of a genealogy to other software or genealogy sites. This software or this site must be able to read a file in Gedcom format. Description Why export a Gedcom file to another Gedcom file? You are probably wondering why an...

Save as

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Save as action either makes an identical copy of your genealogy under another Gedcom file name, or makes a partial copy of your genealogy as another Gedcom file, using several very useful filters. The Save as function can also be used to export branches o...

Merge genealogies

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This action combines two genealogies into one. Please note it does not analyse nor merge duplicates that might appear. Another tool will do this. Refer to the Merge duplicates page for details about this. Description The principle of this tool is to combi...

Window Menu

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This menu regroups all the actions to handle Ancestris windows. Each of these actions is described below. When the action has its own description page - it is bold - click on it to get all the details about it.   Welcome Page Opens the Welcome page. It...


User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This action imports a Gedcom file. Only Gedcom format files can be imported in Ancestris. Upon clicking Import, Ancestris will launch the import wizard which will guide you in the process. The first screen gives you some explanations.   Then Ancestris w...

Open a genealogy

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This action opens a genealogy. In Ancestris, a genealogy is stored in a file in the Gedcom format. Ancestris asks you for the name of a Gedcom file to open. Choose it and click Open. Two cases can arise: Either the file you specify is a file origin...

Create a new genealogy

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This action helps you create a new genealogy. Below is the image of the first page of the wizard that will guide you. This wizard has already been described in this documentation. Please refer to the full description at the page Discover Ancestris > Cre...

Search Bar

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The general search bar lets you to find any type of information anywhere in open genealogy files and in the Ancestris application itself. The search can be run on several Gedcom files at the same time. Description Entry field The entry field is used to e...

Navigation Bar

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The navigation bar allows you to navigate forward and backward in the navigation history, i.e. the list of all the entities successively selected since the opening of the last genealogy. Description The navigation bar includes three buttons to navigate in ...


User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Ancestris Main Window Toolbar is a horizontal bar displaying a number of tools in the form of icons. It is located between the menu bar and the workspace. There are also Toolbars for windows other than the main window. They are described in the correspo...

Context Menu

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Context menu provides actions that depend on an object and that will apply to it. Most of these actions are additional to the ones you can find in the menu bar, keyboard shortcuts, or the toolbar. You access the context menu when you right-click an objec...

Options Menu

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This menu regroups the main actions to customize Ancestris. Each of these actions is described below. When the action has its own description page - it is bold - click on it to get all the details about it. Preferences Sets the user preferences and cust...

Entities table

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Entities table lists all the entities of the genealogy and provides detailed information for each of them in columns. This view is the one that best allows you to list and navigate through the entire genealogy. You can also create, modify, and delete e...