Recently Updated Pages
List of members
Founders The founding members are: Frederic Lapeyre: President. Yannick Voyeaud: Treasurer. ...
Vérification norme Gedcom et anomalies
Cet outil permet de vérifier les anomalies de données de votre généalogie, en terme d'incompatibi...
Validate Gedcom compliance and data consistency
This tool checks your genealogy data for anomalies, in terms of incompatibility with the Gedcom s...
Instalação passo-a-passo da versão quotidiana em Windows
Esta página mostra como instalar a versão quotidiana d o Ancestris num sistema Windows. As secçõ...
Menu Outils
Ce menu donne accès à tous les outils d'Ancestris. Chacune de ces actions est décrite ici. ...
Tools Menu
This menu regroups all the tools to explore, manipulate and analyse genealogical data. Each of...
Search notepad
Search notepad is intended to replace post-its and loose sheets. Description You can create n...
Bloc-notes de recherche
Bloc-notes remplaçant les post-its et feuilles volantes Description Vous pouvez créer des not...
Le Code
Vous maîtrisez JAVA ? Vous êtes doué pour le design et les icônes ? Vous souhaitez apporter des a...
The Datulator is a tool to calculate or convert dates. This tool will make your life easier in...
Table of places
The Table of Places is a global place editor used as a spreadsheet, to help you edit and clean al...
Convert Gedcom format
This window lets you modify the Gedcom norm or the character formatting of any Gedcom file. Thes...
Simple navigator
The Simple navigator allows you to navigate efficiently through the family nucleus of the selecte...
Extended navigator
The Extended navigator allows you to navigate in the genealogical from the family nucleus, and to...
Advanced search
The Advanced search is a powerful tool to search for entities that match multiple criteria, throu...
Genealogy compare
The Genealogy compare tool compares genealogies to find common individuals using geographical are...
Mark special individuals
This feature marks or displays certain special individuals in your genealogy such as implex famil...
Age calculation
This function calculates ages of all the individuals at their respective life events. Descript...
Generate ID numbers
This function renumbers the entities of your genealogy by redefining their identification number....
Geneanet export
The Geneanet export creates a file totally compatible with the expectations of the Geneanet site ...