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489 total results found

Dynamic tree

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Dynamic tree shows a genealogy in the form of a tree. You can quickly select any individual in the tree, and you can also use this view to build the tree. The view is the closest to that of a traditional family tree, and it best captures the simple rel...

Extended navigator

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Extended navigator allows you to navigate in the genealogical from the family nucleus, and to create individuals step by step along the way. From the selected individual taken as the center of its family nucleus, it is possible to move to one of his/her...

Merge duplicates

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This tool detects duplicate entities and analyse them, merge them automatically or manually if they are real duplicates, or confirm them as non duplicates if they are not. There are 4 ways to merge duplicates. They are described in this page. Global search...

Validate Gedcom compliance and data consistency

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This tool checks your genealogy data for anomalies, in terms of incompatibility with the Gedcom standard and in case of genealogical inconsistencies. Description The window displays a control report. A table of contents lists the different types of contro...


User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Calculator is a simple pocket calculator. This saves you the trouble of having to find where it is on your computer if you only have to do basic operations. Description It looks like a classic calculator. By default, it is displayed as a floating win...


User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Datulator is a tool to calculate or convert dates. This tool will make your life easier in your research, in your analysis. The datulator helps you determine the date of an event from the information in a register, a document, etc. For example, it is ...

Registers records - Appendix

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

Mapping between register and Gedcom data Case of a birth Birth certificate Individual IndiLastName IndiFirstName INDI:NAME Optional replaces the name and lastname of the individual with the name in the record IndiSex INDI:SEX Opt...

Registers records

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Registers records tool is designed to develop your genealogy from genealogy records entered by yourself or others. This tool is very powerful and allows you to perform mass entry of genealogy registers records (civil, parish, etc.), to then retrieve them ...

Advanced search

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Advanced search is a powerful tool to search for entities that match multiple criteria, throughout a genealogy. The result list can then be exploited in other Ancestris tools, in particular be positioned on the geographical map, be exported in a specifi...

Simple navigator

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Simple navigator allows you to navigate efficiently through the family nucleus of the selected individual.   Description This simple browser displays the last selected individual in the middle of his/her close relatives. It only displays individuals a...


User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Timeline shows all the individual of the genealogy along a timeline of events that occurred in different countries. Individuals can be displayed as a genealogical tree. Description This view displays a menu bar, a timeline frieze and the individuals...

Places editor

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Places editor is an editor dedicated to adding or modifying places, by standardizing their name thanks to a database of places available on the Internet. The Place editor is only accessible from a place. It is not accessible from the menu bar. Descript...

Table of places

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Table of Places is a global place editor used as a spreadsheet, to help you edit and clean all the places of your genealogy. Description The Table of Places lists all the locations of your genealogy. Each line represents a place, and each column repres...

List of places

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The List of Places is a list of all places and corresponding events of the genealogy. All places found in the genealogy are listed, with their geographical coordinates. For each of them, it is possible to see the events that occurred there. The sorting o...

Aries editor

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Aries editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Aries editor comes from the need for ergonomy and exhaustiveness. The possibility of being able to provide all the information allowed by the Gedcom standard. In a user-...

Gedcom editor

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Gedcom editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Gedcom editor comes from the will to be transparent and to be based on the way the Gedcom standard structures genealogical information. Information transparency where th...

Cygnus editor

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Cygnus editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Cygnus editor comes from the need for simplicity of use. The simplicity of being able to manipulate individuals and everything that relates to them, at a glance Without...


User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Graph shows a view of your genealogy in the form of a graph, where all individuals are displayed only once, and are related to each other according to their genealogical relationships. You can create your genealogy graphs as you wish. The shape of the gra...

Geographic map

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

The Geographic map displays all the genealogy events at their location on a map. You can visualize where the events you are interested in took place. In particular, you can apply filters to see only certain events and thus make geographical analyses of your...

Common ancestors

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This tool identifies the common ancestors of two individuals in the genealogy and displays the corresponding lineages. Description For each common ancestor found between two individuals, a result window shows you the corresponding lineages and the degree o...