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834 total results found

Find / Replace

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This tool can find or replace any text of the genealogy content. Description In the first two drop-down menus of this Find/Replace window, you indicate the text to search for, and the text by which to replace it. Previous searches are stored in these drop...

Geographic map

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Geographic map displays all the genealogy events at their location on a map. You can visualize where the events you are interested in took place. In particular, you can apply filters to see only certain events and thus make geographical analyses of your...

Places editor

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Places editor is an editor dedicated to adding or modifying places, by standardizing their name thanks to a database of places available on the Internet. The Place editor is only accessible from a place. It is not accessible from the menu bar. Descript...

Table of places

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Table of Places is a global place editor used as a spreadsheet, to help you edit and clean all the places of your genealogy. Description The Table of Places lists all the locations of your genealogy. Each line represents a place, and each column repres...

List of places

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The List of Places is a list of all places and corresponding events of the genealogy. All places found in the genealogy are listed, with their geographical coordinates. For each of them, it is possible to see the events that occurred there. The sorting o...

Aries editor

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Aries editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Aries editor comes from the need for ergonomy and exhaustiveness. The possibility of being able to provide all the information allowed by the Gedcom standard. In a user-...

Gedcom editor

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Gedcom editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Gedcom editor comes from the will to be transparent and to be based on the way the Gedcom standard structures genealogical information. Information transparency where th...

Cygnus editor

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Cygnus editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Cygnus editor comes from the need for simplicity of use. The simplicity of being able to manipulate individuals and everything that relates to them, at a glance Without...


Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Graph shows a view of your genealogy in the form of a graph, where all individuals are displayed only once, and are related to each other according to their genealogical relationships. You can create your genealogy graphs as you wish. The shape of the gra...


Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Timeline shows all the individual of the genealogy along a timeline of events that occurred in different countries. Individuals can be displayed as a genealogical tree. Description This view displays a menu bar, a timeline frieze and the individuals...


Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function deletes data elements from a genealogy. Description Your genealogy information is stored in a Gedcom file. In this file, each piece of information is stored in a data element called a Property. Example: Name, date of birth, place of marriage...

Dynamic tree

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Dynamic tree shows a genealogy in the form of a tree. You can quickly select any individual in the tree, and you can also use this view to build the tree. The view is the closest to that of a traditional family tree, and it best captures the simple rel...

Entities table

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Entities table lists all the entities of the genealogy and provides detailed information for each of them in columns. This view is the one that best allows you to list and navigate through the entire genealogy. You can also create, modify, and delete e...

Entity card

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Entity card gives an overview of the current entity. The content of the card shows the key elements of information regarding this entity. It depends on the entity. Essentially dedicated to consultation, this view does not allow navigation, but has a nu...

See modifications history

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function gives the history of modifications made to a genealogy within Ancestris. Description If you want to trace precisely what happened in your Gedcom file, modification by modification, this table gives it to you. In 7 columns, this table gives y...

Age calculation

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function calculates ages of all the individuals at their respective life events. Description All individuals of your genealogy have life events that are usually dated. It is often useful to document directly the age of the individual at each event. T...

Mark special individuals

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This feature marks or displays certain special individuals in your genealogy such as implex families, tree top individuals, Y-DNA related people, etc. Description At Ancestris, we have identified several types of populations in your genealogy that might be...

Generate ID numbers

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function renumbers the entities of your genealogy by redefining their identification number. Description The window that appears presents two main choices. Mass renumbering for a category or all categories of entities. Renumbering on one single enti...

Generate Sosa numbers

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function generates or erases genealogical numberings of individuals in a genealogy. The possible numberings are the Sosa-Stradonitz, d'Aboville, and Sosa-d'Aboville numberings. In genealogy, these numberings make it possible to easily identify, for a ...

Simple navigator

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Simple navigator allows you to navigate efficiently through the family nucleus of the selected individual.   Description This simple browser displays the last selected individual in the middle of his/her close relatives. It only displays individuals a...