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Instal·lació de Java (TSL)

Ancestris needsnecessita Java andi isés compatible withamb Java 8 (alsotambé calledanomenat 1.1,8) andi Java 11. WeUs recommendrecomanem youque useutilitzeu Java 88..

IfSi Ancestris doesno nots'inicia start,o ormostra showsla thepantalla defectuosa i s'atura, generalment es relaciona amb un problema amb la instal·lació Java. O bé Java no està instal·lat o Ancestris splashno screenel andtroba stops,o ittroba isuna mostversió generallyincompatible relatedo totroba anuna issueversió withdanyada.


Les següents seccions ofereixen una comprovació pas a pas per assegurar que Ancestris està utilitzant una versió vàlida de Java installation. Either Java is not installed or Ancestris does not find it or finds an incompatible version or finds a corrupted version.

The following sections offer a step-by-step check to ensure Ancestris is using a valid Java 8 version.8.


IdentifyIdentifica whichquina versió de Java versionestà isestablerta setper by defaultdefecte

IfSi youno don'tsabeu knowsi ifhi ha instal·lada Java iso installedquina orversió whichestà versioninstal·lada, isvisiteu installed, please visit thela officialpàgina detaileddetallada explanationd'explicació pageoficial oro directlyobriu opendirectament un terminal de línia d’ordres i escriviu a commandla linelínia terminald’ordres: and type on the command line:

java -version

ThereHi areha alternativemètodes methodsalternatius forper a MacOS andi Windows.
   - forper MacOS systems,MacOS, checkconsulteu theles step-by-stepinstruccions instructionspas-a-pas.
   - forper Windows systems,Windows, checkconsulteu theles step-by-stepinstruccions instructionspas-a-pas.


  • IfSi youveieu seeun anmissatge d'error message in theal terminal, thenJava no està instal·lat al sistema. Ancestris no podrà funcionar.
    Si us plau, seguiu la secció d'instal·lació de sota per instal lar Java is1,8 noti installeddesprés iniciar Ancestris
  • Si veieu una cosa així on youres system. Ancestris cannot run. Please follow the Install section below to installmostra Java 1.8 and then start Ancestris.


  • If you see something like this where Java 1.8 is displayed, itvol meansdir youque haveteniu thela properversió versionadequada installedinstal·lada andi setconfigurada byde default.manera predeterminada.
java version "1.8.0_251"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_251-b08)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.251-b08, mixed mode)

AccordingSegons tola thevisualització displayanterior, above,podem weveure canque seela thatversió the installedde Java versioninstal·lada setper bydefecte defaultés isla versionversió 1.8, akaàlies versionversió 8.

IfSi Ancestris doesno not start, eithers'inicia, Ancestris doesno notla find ittroba, ortroba una versió incompatible o findstroba anuna incompatibleversió version or finds a corrupted versiondanyada. PleaseSi us plau, followseguiu theles instructionsinstruccions toper identifyidentificar whichla versió de Java versionque troba Ancestris finds.


  •  IfSi youveieu seeuna a differentversió Java versiondiferent from d’1.8 oro 11, itvol meansdir youque haveteniu anotheruna altra versió Java versionde bymanera default.predeterminada.
java version "10.0.1" 2018-04-17
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10, mixed mode)

AccordingSegons tola thepantalla displayde above,dalt, wepodem canveure seeque thatla theversió installedde Java versioninstal·lada setestablerta byper defaultdefecte isés versionla versió 10. Ancestris willno nots'executarà. run.Si Pleaseus plau, followseguiu thela Installsecció sectiond'instal·lació belowde tosota installper instal·lar Java 8. 

OnceUn done,cop youfet willaixò, thentindràs havediverses severalversions Java versionsinstal·lades installeden onel your system.sistema.

IfSi youus areconvé happy to setdefinir Java 8 ascom thea defaultversió version,predeterminada, please follow the instructions to set the default java version on your system and then start Ancestris.    , seguiu les instruccions per configurar la versió predeterminada de Java en el vostre sistema i, a continuació, inicieu Ancestris.

If you would rather keep the Java version set as it is, then you need to tell Ancestris to not use the default Java version. Please follow the instructions to force Ancestris to use a specific java version and then start Ancestris.


Identify which Java version Ancestris finds

To know which Java version Ancestris finds, you will need to check the Ancestris configuration file.

1. Check the line defining default_options

This line should look like this:

default_options="--branding ancestris -J-Xms96m -J-Xmx1g --laf javax.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel"

If one of the options in this line includes --jdkhome="/path/to/java, make sure the path specified in this option is the path to Java version 1.8. Otherwise, edit the configuration file and change it. Then launch Ancestris.

If this line does not include a java path, follwo the instructions below.

2. Check the line defining jdkhome

If the line looks like jdkhome="/path/to/java", then make sure the path specified in this option is the path to Java version 8. Otherwise, edit the configuration file and change it. Then launch Ancestris.

If the line starts with "#", or if the line does not exist, then it means the line is not used by Ancestris and that Ancestris uses the default Java version set on your system.

If the default version checked above was Java 8, it means your installed Java 8 version might be corrupted. Try reinstalling it using the Install instructions and restart Ancestris.


Install Java

To install version Java 8 on your system, you can get it from the Oracle's main page, or more precisely, directly from the download page.

  • If you need to know if your device can run Java, go to this configuration page to learn the minimum needed configuration.



  • If you prefer an Open Source Java version, it is possible to use OpenJDK and you can also install Java from the free AdoptopenJDK solution.


Set the default Java version

The procedures depend on your operative system.


Set default version for MacOS

The version of Java running on your system may be incompatible with Ancestris, so it will not run. You will get a message like the following in a terminal when Ancestris starts.

Swap 01.png

If you want to keep your current Java version and, for instance, run Java Version 8 (aka 1.8) at the same time, you need to swap Java versions.

To swap between different Java versions, open a Terminal window and follow the steps below.

In the following example, the instructions let you set Version 8 (aka 1.8) by default, without removing Java Version 10:

1/6 - Check which version of Java is set by default

java -version
echo $jdkhome

Swap 02.png

We can see Version 10. Ancestris will not work. You need Version 8 (aka 1.8) for Ancestris.

2/6 - Get a list of all installed versions on your system and check Version 8 (aka 1.8) is among them

/usr/libexec/java_home -V

Swap 03.png

OK, we can see Version 8 (aka 1.8) is installed.
If it were not, then install it as explained in this section.

3/6 - Type in the following 2 lines in the Terminal

echo 'export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`' >>~/.bash_profile
echo 'export jdkhome==`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`' >>~/.bash_profile

These two lines will add the command to set your default Java version in your personal profile.

Swap 04.png

The first line defines the default Java version for all programs (JAVA_HOME, in uppercase).

The second line defines the default Java version to use for Ancestris (jdkhome, lowercase).

4/6 - Close the Terminal


5/6 - Reopen a Terminal and check that the running Java is Version 8 (aka 1.8)

java -version
echo $jdkhome

Swap 05.png

OK, it is. We can see Version 8 (aka 1.8). You can now start Ancestris.

6/6 - Start Ancestris

Swap 06.png

When Ancestris starts, a Terminal window opens at the same time.

You can see in the title bar that Version 8 (aka 1.8) of Java is being used by Ancestris.


Set default version for Windows

You have to create a BAT file per Java version you wish to keep.

Use your favourite text editor to create those files, using the code below, and place them in a folder available from your PATH.


@echo off
echo Setting JAVA_HOME
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_12
echo setting PATH
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_12\bin;%PATH%
echo Display java version
java -version


@echo off
echo Setting JAVA_HOME
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.11.0_11
echo setting PATH
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.11.0_11\bin;%PATH%
echo Display java version
java -version

While creating these files, make sure you specify the correct name for the Java files for the lines JAVA_HOME, depending on your Java installation

When you decide to change the Java version, just run the corresponding BAT file: JAVA8 for version 1.8, or JAVA11 for version 11. The Java version at use will be shown on the terminal.

To check if the change is really in effect, type java -version on a console or check this page.

If you wish to keep your latest Java version and force the use of another version of Java for Ancestris, you have to change the configuration file, line jdkhome="C:\path\to\java"


Set default version for Linux

Type the following on a console :

sudo update-alternatives --config java



Select from the list the version needed.

If you wish to keep your latest Java version and force the use of another version of Java for Ancestris, you have to change the configuration file, line jdkhome="/path/to/java"

To get help using this tool :

sudo update-alternatives -l



Force Ancestris to use a specific Java version

Whatever your operating system is, if the default active Java version is different from the one to be used with Ancestris, you have to modify Ancestris's configuration file like this:
