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489 total results found


Contribution Develop the software

If you master the Java programing language, or if you are designing icons, you are welcome to help. Please let us know. Commitment Developing Ancestris is a long term commitment. You will be responsible for creating and owning features that several thousand ...

Communications about Ancestris

Communication Communications about Ancestris

- 2025 - February, 2025 - NL - Yolanda Lippens Genealogy Site blog. - 2024 - August, 2024 - UK - FAMILY HISTORY FEDERATION monthly bulletin. October 4th - UK - 4 Free Software Tools For Your Ancestral Research - Alina Khuda - Video on YouTube ...

Aggiornare Ancestris

Guida utente Installa Ancestris

Il team di Ancestris aggiorna regolarmente il software per migliorarlo. Tutti gli aggiornamenti che effettuiamo sono disponibili automaticamente il giorno successivo, indipendentemente dalla versione stabile o giornaliera. Aggiornamento automatico Riceverai...

Reinstallare o aggiornare Ancestris

Guida utente Installa Ancestris

Esistono diverse situazioni in cui potrebbe essere necessario reinstallare Ancestris, ma coinvolgeranno tutti seguendo gli stessi passaggi descritti di seguito. Situazioni che giustificano la reinstallazione Reinstallare Ancestris sullo stesso computer Se...

Installare e lanciare Ancestris

Guida utente Installa Ancestris

Leggi la licenza e i diritti di utilizzo Ancestris è un software libero concesso in licenza GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3. Ancestris è un software di genealogia gratuito , per uso illimitato nel tempo e numero illimitato di individui . È messo a tua disposi...

Installation pas à pas version 13 sur Windows

Mode d'Emploi Installer Ancestris

Cette page montre, étape par étape, comment installer Ancestris version 13 sur un système Windows. La version 12 bénéficie d'un installateur dédié prenant en charge la détection de Java. Suivez Installation pas à pas version stable 12 sur Windows. Les sectio...

Step-by-step installation of version 13 on Windows

User Guide Install Ancestris

This page shows step-by-step how to install Ancestris on a Windows system. The sections below are independent and do not all need to be done. Screens shown might look different from those of the current Ancestris web site or the current Ancestris software ve...

Step-by-step installation on macOS

User Guide Install Ancestris

This page documents a detailed step-by-step installation of Ancestris on a macOS system. We will show an example that occurred on March 2024, of the installation of Ancestris version 12 on macOS Sonoma. Installation of Java 1. From the macOS desktop... ...

Help Menu

User Guide Master Menus and Windows

This menu regroups all the actions to get help and to help Ancestris. It also provides information about the version of Ancestris currently installed. Each of these actions is described below. When the action has its own description page - it is bold - cl...


Communication Genealogy fairs

Ancestris at the yearly virtual genealogy fair     We have participated in quite a number of fairs in the last few years, mostly in France. Here is the French page about it.        


Association Mission and Resources

The Ancestris Association was created on June 20, 2015 and published in the French Official Journal on Saturday July 18, 2015. The primary mission of this organisation is to promote the presence of Ancestris in genealogical or computer events. It goes withou...

Where are Ancestris users ?

User Community Worldwide users

Ancestris users, who are we ? Hard to say. Passionate people about Genealogy. People who want to leave something useful and interesting for their descendants. Currently, the best option for you to make sure your genealogy will be able to transfer safely to...


Communication Foires & Salons

27 juin - Ancestris au salon virtuel de généalogie Merci à Isabel, Marine, Philippe, Eric et Alain, l'équipe organisatrice du Salon Virtuel de Généalogie. Notre salon a été un véritable succès populaire, et la fréquentation au delà de nos espérances.Notr...

Making a donation

Association Donors

Why support Ancestris? Ancestris is a free software and we have made the choice to offer it for free and unlimited. We are volunteers. There are nevertheless costs related to our activity, and we incurr them at our expense. These costs represent, for exampl...

List of donors

Association Donors

The following people are among the donors: ACIEN Mathieu ADOLPHE Gérard ALDEANO Stéphane ALAMY Jean-Paul ARSONNAUD Christophe AUDOIN Pierre AUTRET Martial BADAIRE Frédéric BARD Bernard BÈCLE Clément BENARD André BISIERE Mi...


Association Members

The association requires a meer voluntary participation to become a member. The 3 possible membership choices are: Gold Sponsor Member: € 20 Silver Benefactor Member: € 10 Bronze Admiring Member: € 5 Your membership in the association will allow you t...

List of members

Association Members

Founders The founding members are: Frederic Lapeyre: President. Yannick Voyeaud: Treasurer. Jean Mordac: Vice-Presidents. Daniel André: Vice-Presidents. François Massonneau: Vice-Presidents. The Bureau is made up of the founding members. Associatio...


Association Mission and Resources

The association has no specific funding. It only exists through the will of Ancestris users, the annual contributions of its members and donations. Donations are used to present the software at fairs and events, and to obtain the supports and materials neces...


Association Mission and Resources

STATUTES OF THE ANCESTRIS ASSOCIATION - Proposed to associations declared by application of the French law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901.   ARTICLE 1 - NAME An association governed by the French law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of A...

Installazione di Java

Guida utente Installa Ancestris

  Ancestris necessita di Java ed è compatibile con Java 8 fino a Java 18. Se Ancestris non si avvia o mostra la schermata iniziale di Ancestris e si interrompe, in genere è dovuto a un problema con l'installazione di Java. Java non è installato oppure Ance...