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Making a donation

Why support Ancestris?

Ancestris is a free software and we have made the choice to offer it for free and unlimited.

We are volunteers. There are nevertheless costs related to our activity, and we incurr them at our expense.

These costs represent, for example, computer hosting for Ancestris, means of communication and travel to genealogy events on occasions.

For important genealogical gatherings, we are often asked for insurance and contributions which are excessive in the context of our volunteering.

By providing us with financial support, you are helping us to be present, including at these fairs.

By making a donation to the Ancestris Association, you allow Ancestris to make itself better known and to benefit from lasting operations. You will therefore continue to be able to benefit from Ancestris free of charge.

Donate now for a long life to Ancestris!

Your donation is made below using the secure HelloAsso form. Some of the information is requested by HelloAsso.

Your name will be added to the donors' list if it is not already. If you do not wish to appear on this list, please let us know in the form when it appears.

Please click on the english flag at the top if necessary, in order to view the form in English.

Should the form not work, please use this link to go to the Ancestris donation page on the HelloAsso website.