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489 total results found
Saisir des événements particuliers
En tant qu'utilisateur d'Ancestris, vous nous donnez souvent des cas particuliers d'événements à saisir. Une des questions d'un utilisateur aujourd'hui était par exemple : Une personne a été inhumée, puis exhumée avant d'être inhumée dans un autre village....
Getting started: create or migrate
Create your genealogy If you feel like starting your own genealogy, or convert your paper genealogy to a computer as it has become too difficult to manage by hand, a wizard will guide you to create a new genealogy file step by step, including your first indi...
An entity in the Gedcom standard is a main genealogical component such as an individual, a family, a source of information or a note. It can also be an multimedia object such as a video or a audio record. In a Gedcom file, an entity is a record identified by ...
The word Gedcom designates a genealogical data exchange format. It was originally developed by the Mormon Church for religious reasons, then retrieved by genealogists to exchange genealogical data between people running their genealogy applications on incompa...
Ancestris is a modular software where every major functionality resides in a module, also called an extension or a plugin. This is a great way to extend the possibilities of the software. Most extensions are installed by default. Those that are not install...
A blueprint is description used to customize the display of an entity in certain views of Ancestris. Views using blueprints Only the following views use blueprints. For each of them, an example shows what the blueprints could look like. Dynamic tree The Dy...
This is where you set most of your usage personalization. As soon as Ancestris is installed, you can immediately start using it. However, if you familiarize yourself with certain settings, you can adapt Ancestris to your way of working and give your geneal...
Migrate your genealogy to Ancestris
Migrating to Ancestris simply consists in opening a Gedcom file created by another software. The expressions « Migrate to Ancestris » and « Import a genealogy file to Ancestris » means exactly the same thing. There is a slight difference which is not relevan...
Create your genealogy
You will see how simple it is to create a genealogy from scratch with Ancestris. You will create a first individual, the parents and close family, thus having your first genealogical tree with one or two generations. Creating a genealogy usually starts by dra...
Guided Tour
Welcome to Ancestris ! Ancestris offers a guided tour, allowing you to discover this software in an interactive way, using the Bourbons genealogy as an example. You can start this tour from the Welcome page. Enjoy the visit ! A YouTube video called "...
Menu Options
Ce menu permet de personnaliser d'Ancestris. Chacune de ces actions est décrite ici. Les actions qui nécessitent plus d'explications font l'objet d'une page dédiée que vous trouverez en cliquant dessus. Préférences Définit les Préférences d'utilisati...
Update Ancestris
The Ancestris team constantly works on improving the Ancestris software. All updates we make to the version you have are available to you automatically, and you do not have anything to do, whether you are using the Main version or the Daily version. Automati...
Reinstall or upgrade Ancestris
There are several situations where you may need to reinstall Ancestris, but they all end up following the same steps described below. Situations to justify reinstallation Reinstalling Ancestris on the same computer If a new version of Ancestris is out and...
Java installation
Ancestris needs Java and is compatible with Java versions 8 to 21. If Ancestris does not start, or shows the Ancestris splash screen and stops, it is most generally related to an issue with the Java installation. Either Java is not installed or Ancestris does...
Software files and User settings files
There are two groups of files for running Ancestris. The software files run the application, The user settings files store user preferences. You may lose the software files because you can always get them from the Ancestris website; but you should backu...
Launch settings
It is possible to personalise the launch settings of Ancestris. In general, you should not need to set or modify them. However, in some specific circumstances, you may want to tweak them a bit. It is as simple as editing the line in the Ancestris configurat...
Install and start Ancestris
Read license and user rights Ancestris is free software, licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3. Ancestris is a free genealogy program, for unlimited time usage, and an unlimited number of individuals. It is made available to you by volunteers. ...
Fiches multi-modèles ou rapport Gedart
Ce rapport produit des fiches synthétiques d'individus ou de familles, des arbres, des fiches narratives, de façon totalement personnalisables. Fiche individuelle du modèle standard Fiche familiale du modèle standard La Philosophie de ce rapport La p...
Ouvrir une généalogie
Cette action lance l'ouverture d'un fichier au format Gedcom. Ancestris vous demande le nom du fichier Gedcom à importer. Choisissez-le et cliquez sur Ouvrir. Deux cas peuvent se présenter : Soit le fichier que vous indiquez est un fichier issu ...
A property if a piece of information describing a characteristic of an entity. A property consists essentially of two elements: its name, identified by a TAG, and its VALUE. Description Let's consider the following three properties. City : London City ...