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Media viewer

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Media viewer displays all the media files of the genealogy in one single window. You can vis...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Convert Gedcom format

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This window lets you modify the Gedcom norm or the character formatting of any Gedcom file. Thes...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Merge genealogies

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This action combines two genealogies into one. Please note it does not analyse nor merge dupli...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Save as

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Save as action either makes an identical copy of your genealogy under another Gedcom file nam...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic


Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function exports all or part of a genealogy to other software or genealogy sites. This soft...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Geneanet export

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Geneanet export creates a file totally compatible with the expectations of the Geneanet site ...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Find / Replace

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This tool can find or replace any text of the genealogy content. Description In the first two...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic


Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function deletes data elements from a genealogy. Description Your genealogy information ...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Generate Sosa numbers

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function generates or erases genealogical numberings of individuals in a genealogy. The p...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Generate ID numbers

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function renumbers the entities of your genealogy by redefining their identification number....

Updated 1 year ago by frederic


Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Timeline shows all the individual of the genealogy along a timeline of events that occurred i...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Table of places

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Table of Places is a global place editor used as a spreadsheet, to help you edit and clean al...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

List of places

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The List of Places is a list of all places and corresponding events of the genealogy. All pla...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Gedcom editor

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Gedcom editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Gedcom ...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Cygnus editor

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Cygnus editor is one of the three main editors of Ancestris. The philosophy of the Cygnus ...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic


Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Graph shows a view of your genealogy in the form of a graph, where all individuals are displa...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Geographic map

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Geographic map displays all the genealogy events at their location on a map. You can visua...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Entity card

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

The Entity card gives an overview of the current entity. The content of the card shows the key...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

Age calculation

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function calculates ages of all the individuals at their respective life events. Descript...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic

See modifications history

Guia de l'usuari Dominar els menús i les finestres

This function gives the history of modifications made to a genealogy within Ancestris. Descrip...

Updated 1 year ago by frederic