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View Menu

This menu givesregroups all the actions to access tothe thegenealogical views and editors for the selected Gedcom file.genealogy.


Each of these actions is described below.

When the action has its own description page - it is bold - click on it to get all the details about it.

These menu actions only apply to the selected Gedcom filegenealogy and will therefore only be available if thereone is anopen. Otherwise they will be grayed out. To enable them, open file.a genealogy.

FollowingThe following descriptions concernrelate to the current genealogy of the selected Gedcom file..

Entity Card

Displays athe tab withpicture, the mainname info relative toand the selectedevents about the current entity (individual, family, etc.).


Entities Table

ListProvides the list of all the entities inof the genealogy (individuals, families, notes, etc.) with their respectivarespective data fields (ID number, name,firstname, surname, etc.)

Dynamic Tree

RepresentsDisplays the genealogical tree of the individuals and their families onof athe tree formatgenealogy, with ancestors and descendants of the selected individual.


Shows a temporal tree representation of all individuals onin the tree.genealogy.

Geographic Mapmap

Shows a geographic map with all individualslocated andindividuals' events in the genealogy represented.genealogy.


InnovativeShows an innovative visual representation of all individuals in the genealogy in the form of a graph.


Cygnus Editor

OpenOpens the Cygnus editor, an easy-to-use editor simple to use that focusfocused on individuals.individuals and their related events.

Gedcom Editor

OpenOpens the Gedcom editor, designspecially speciallydesigned to allowsee completeand transparencyedit all existing data of the data in your genealogy.

Aries Editor

OpenOpens the Aries editor, an ergonomic editor that allows all types of modifications.modifications in multiple windows.


List of Places

AllowsProvides toa geo-locate,list editof orall mergeexisting places andin the genealogy. Each place is associated with their associatedcorresponding Gives access to the places editor.

Table of places

Gives access to a structurestable-structured list of all places.existing places in the genealogy. Gives access to the places editor.


Simple Navigator

A simple way to select individuals schematically from a family node.nucleus.

Extended Navigator

A way to select individuals from a family nodenucleus while viewing their respective information and

Advanced Search

AllowsSearches usall individuals corresponding to domultiple search criteria.

Provides a multi-criteriaway searchto andselect explorethese theindividuals resultsto ondisplay multipleor views.mark them later.