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Places (L)

A place is a property indicating a physical location associated with an event, and generally provided with a postal address and capable of receiving geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).

In the Gedcom standard, a place is defined by the PLAC tag.

Place jurisdictions

The value of a place is presented as address elements separated by commas, such as a postal address.

Example (tag and value)

These elements of the place are called jurisdictions. A jurisdiction, also called a place criteria, is therefore a constitutive element of a place: the city, the postal code, the region, the country, etc.

In the example above, the jurisdictions are: neighborhood, postal code, city, county, state, region, country.

In the Gedcom standard, the different jurisdictions of a place are organized from left to right, separated by commas, and in increasing order of administrative importance.

The following example, which indicates the jurisdictions in random order, would not be compliant with the Gedcom standard.

The Gedcom standard allows you to define your own jurisdictions. We can indeed define the parish or neighborhood level for example, or have two codes within the city: the ZIP or Postal code and the Census units.

How to use the comma

In the Gedcom standard, the comma is the separating element making it possible to distinguish the different jurisdictions of a place.

If one of the jurisdictions of a place is unknown, an empty space will be left to materialize this jurisdiction.

For example, in the absence of neighborhood and ZIP code, the place of Boston mentioned above would take the following form:

The initial two successive commas indicate the locations of the two unspecified jurisdictions (neighborhood and ZIP code).

For a good understanding when reading a place, it is therefore essential to respect the location of the commas, and obviously not to use a comma within a jurisdiction.

Please note that the Gedcom file does not accept any blanks. on either side of these commas.

  • For example, the city of New York keeps its white space between New and York, but no other space character can be added before of after the name.
  • To facilitate reading, the various views of Ancestris (in particular the editors) can display spaces after the commas. These spaces are not saved in the Gedcom file.

Place formatting

All places of the same genealogy must be described according to the same jurisdictions and in the same order.

This is the place format of the Gedcom file.

This format is indicated inside the Gedcom file, for all places in the genealogy, in the header of the Gedcom file.

These are the following lines of the header (HEAD) of the Gedcom file that will indicate this correspondence

This format is optional in the header but in terms of consistency and data quality we strongly recommend using it.

For a genealogy covering several countries, you therefore need a generic format that is sufficiently extensive to allow the places of all the countries considered to be referenced under the same format.

Changing place formatting

The Modification of place criteria window allows to add or remove a type of jurisdiction in the format of the location, and also to modify the order of the different types of jurisdictions, for all locations and all the entities of the genealogy file. This window is accessible from the File / Properties menu.

Changing the format of places is also possible from the Gedcom editor: right-click on a PLAC line, then Contextual menu, then Change place format menu iem.

To enter a location, you must rank the different jurisdictions in ascending order of importance, separating each level with a comma.

If a jurisdiction is not entered, the comma must be kept.

Entering a place


SiIf dansin lesthe PréférencesPreferences vousyou avezhave optéchosen pourthe la présentationpresentation DistinguerSplit lesjurisdictions juridictionsto edit in Gedcom editor, ouyou Séparerdo lesnot critèreshave deto lieux,worry vousabout n'avezthe pasexplanations àwhich vousfollow, soucieryou deswill explicationsenter quithe suivent,jurisdictions vousseparately, saisirezthat lesis juridictionsto séparément,say, c'est-à-dire,level niveauby parlevel niveau..

Sinon,Otherwise, vousyou devezmust saisirenter vosyour lieuxlocations deglobally, manièrethat globale,is, c'est-à-dire,as comme unea succession deof juridictionsjurisdictions séparéesseparated parby des virgules.commas.

ParFor exemple,example, pourif unthe événementformat localiséis auneighborhood, lieu-ditpostal Palaiscode, ducity, Louvrecounty, àstate, Paris,region, codecountry, INSEEfor 75056,an départementevent delocated Paris,at France,Hyde ilPark convientin deBoston, saisirZIP Code 02136, state of Massachussets, in the USA, you should enter:

Ancestris 0.8 - exp place - fr.png
  • OnNothing neshould metfollow rienthe aprèscountry le mot
  • SiIf lea lieu-ditjurisdiction estis inconnuunknown, ona metcomma uneis virgulerepeated, eneven débutif deit ligne.stands at the beginning of a line.
  • PourIf unonly événementBoston dontis onknown, nein connaîtthe queUSA, lathen commune,we onwould écrit une virgule en tête et quatre virgules en fin de lignewrite:

LeThe principeprinciple estis simple à retenir.easy:

  • DuFrom plusthe petitsmallest auto plusthe grandlargest jurisdictions
    , et
  • ChaqueAll termejurisdictions séparéare parseparated uneby virgulea comma, even if left empty

Auto-remplissagecompletion desof juridictionsplace du lieu jurisdictions

PendantWhile laentering saisie,a unplace name, a drop-down menu déroulantwill s'ouvriraopen vousoffering proposantyou lesalready lieuxknown déjàplaces connuswith commençantthe parsame lastring mêmeof chaînecharacters deinside caractères.the Unname. clicJust gaucheclick surthe lasuggested ligneline proposéeand etpress OK pourto

SiIf vousyou avezhave choisichosen pourto ladisplay saisie Préférencesseparate desjurisdictions juridictionsin séparées,teh cettePreferences, fonctionthis existefeature également,also maisexists, lignebut parline line.

Change Modificationall généraleplaces d'unin lieuone single change

SiIf vousyou vousnotice apercevezthat quefrom depuisthe lebeginning, début,you vous faites une erreur de frappe sur une localité, ou si une même localitémade a ététyping enregistréeerror deon façonsa différentes,place, vousor souhaiterezif effectuerthe unsame changementplace dewas tousregistered lesin lieuxdifferent erronésways, enyou unemay seulewant foisto sansmake avoira àchange retournerof dansall chaquethe lieuerroneous pourplaces lesin single change without having to go back in each of them to correct them.

CelaThis estcan possiblebe àdone partirusing d'unthe lieuGedcom dans l'éditeur Gedcomeditor, ouor àusing partir de lathe ListePlaces des lieuxliste ouor de lathe TablePlaces des lieuxtable.