Menú Eines
ThisAquest menumenú regroupsagrupa alltotes theles toolseines toper explore,explorar, manipulatemanipular andi analyseanalitzar genealogicaldades datagenealògiques.
EachCadascuna ofd’aquestes theseaccions actionses isdescriu describeda below. continuació.
WhenQuan thel’acció actiontingui hasla itsseva ownpròpia descriptionpàgina pagede -descripció it(en isnegreta), boldfeu-hi -clic clickper onobtenir-ne ittots toels get all the details about it.detalls.
CompareComparar Genealogies
ComparesCompara les genealogies thatque youteniu haveo orque thattenen arealtres heldusuaris, byper othertrobar users,àrees togeogràfiques findcomunes, commonamb geographicalciutats areas,i withcognoms similarsimilars, citiesi andesdeveniments lastnames, and similar events.similars.
RegistersRegistre Recordsde Registres
LetsUs youpermet tointroduir entercertificats certificatesdirectament directlyde fromregistres registers,o orutilitzar useregistres digitalizeddigitalitzats registers,per torecuperar retrieve recordsregistres (birth-marriage,naixement-matrimoni, death,defunció, other)altres) andi integrateintegrar-los thema intola yourvostra genealogy.genealogia.
HelpsUs youajuda calculatea calcular dates froma datepartir d’intervals for the same or different calendars. Quite useful when you need to estimatede dates toper bea searchedcalendaris fromiguals certificateso alreadydiferents. found.Molt útil quan cal estimar les dates a cercar a partir de certificats ja trobats.
DisplaysMostra auna simplecalculadora calculatorsenzilla toper avoidevitar havinghaver tode searchcercar-ne foruna ande external one.externa.
ValidateValidar el compliment de Gedcom Compliancei andla datacohèrencia consistencyde les dades
DetectsDetecta non-compliancel'incompliment withde thel'estàndard Gedcom standard andi anomalies inen thela genealogy.genealogia.
MergeCombinar duplicatesduplicats
Identifies duplicateIdentifica entitiesentitats andduplicades mergesi them.les combina.
Common ancestor
Identifies common ancestors between two individuals on your genealogy.
Quick Reports
Runs a reports directly from the menu.
Flash List
Runs the Flash List report of the selected individual.
Family Groups
Runs the Family groups report.
Close Relatives
Runs the Close Relatives report.
Lists and Reports
Provides the Lists and Reports of Ancestris, a large set of reports you can use on your genealogy, in addition to the ones described above.
Publishes your genealogy on a file or on the Internet, in a web page format. Ancestris proposes two different possibilities.
Web Book
Generates a genealogy under the form of multiple web pages, locally or on a remote server.
Web Site
Generates simple web site pages.
Print of current view
Prints the selected view. A preview window will open.
Please note that only the Dynamic Tree view can properly be printed at the moment.