Tools Menu
Each of these actions is described below.
When the action has its own description page - it is bold - click on it to get all the details about it.
Genealogy Search
SearchSearches for individualscommon in commonancestors with other Ancestris users.
Registers Records
AllowsLets you to enter deedscertificates directly from registers, or use digitalized registers, to retrieve records (birth-marriage, death, other) and then integrate them into your genealogy.
DisplayHelps ayou calculationcalculate tool,dates specificallyfrom designeddate intervals for datesthe andsame or different calendars. Quite useful when weyou wantneed to estimate dates to searchbe searched from deedscertificates already found.
DisplayDisplays a simple calculator to avoid having to search for an external one.
Validate Gedcom Compliance and data consistency
DetectDetects non-compliance with the Gedcom standard and consistencyanomalies the genealogy.
Merge duplicates
IdentifyIdentifies duplicatesduplicate entities and mergemerges them.
Common ancestor
IdentifyIdentifies common ancestors between two individuals on your genealogy.
Quick Reports
RunRuns a reports directly from the reports
Flash List
RunRuns the Flash List report toof the selected individual.
Family Groups
RunRuns the Family groups report.
Close Relatives
RunRuns the Close Relatives report.
Lists and Reports
OpenOpens the Lists and Reports window, which gives access to a large set of reports Ancestris can perform on your genealogy, except those described above.
Publish your genealogy on a file or on the Internet, Web site style. Ancestris proposes two variants.
Web Book
Generates a genealogy under a form of Web pages, locally or on a remote server.
Web Site
Generates a Web site.
Print of current view
Prints the selected view. A preview window will open.
Please note that only the Dynamic Tree view can properly be printed at the moment.