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Menu Bar (L)

The Menu Bar onof Ancestris's main windowAncestris gives you access to everyall available command.actions via 7 menus.


Logic forof the menu layoutorganisation

To easily find the actions/commands,actions you are looking for, here is the layoutorganisation we chose to adopt for Ancestris'sthe menus.

File Menu

GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto handlinghandle genealogy files.

  • Create, open, close, save, import, merge, export, change its properties, add to favoritesfavourites
  • Exit the application

Edit Menu

GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto changingmake global changes to your genealogical data.

  • Undo / Redo
  • Cut / Copy / Paste
  • Find / Replace / Delete
  • Generate Sosa numbers or otherD'Aboville numbering
  • MarkingChange ID numbers
  • Mark special individuals
  • See modifications history

View Menu

GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto access to the genealogical views, that allow us to work with the data.

  • Editors are

    These views show specific aspects of your genealogy and some viewslet allowyou editing.edit Editorsyour aregenealogy thereforeas arrangedwell here.

  • (e.g.
editors, dynamic tree).

Tools Menu

GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto explorationexplore, ofmanipulate and analyse genealogical data.

  • Genealogical Search,Search recoveramong deedAncestris datausers,
  • RegistersConsult Recordsregisters records and use them to enrich your genealogy
  • Miscellaneous utilities (date calculation, calculator)
  • CheckVerify data (anomalies, duplicates)
  • Analyse data (common ancestors, lists and reports)
  • Publish locally on disk or on the Internet 
  • Print the active view

Window Menu

GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto windowhandle handlingAncestris windows.

  • Access to special windows
  • Handling windows : open, close, anchor,float, clonedock, windowsclone, inset general,to full screen

Options Menu

GroupsThis allmenu regroups the main actions regardingto customisingcustomize Ancestris.

  • Preferences
    • PreferencesSave display settings
    • Configure tools bar
    • Update Ancestris
    • Manage Plugins

Help Menu

GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regarding documentation and how to get help and to help Ancestris.

  • All the documentation
  • Contact Ancestris Community

    support team
  • Make a donation
  • Ancestris website
  • About Ancestris


Using the menus

Like the menu bar in many software programs, each menu in the Ancestris menu bar can be opened in two ways.

  • or by clicking on it
  • or by typing the key combination: <Alt> + the underlined letter in the name of the corresponding menu. For example, to open the Tools menu, type <Alt>+t.

Each menu has actions/commands. An action comprehends:

  • the icon illustrating the action, when this icon exists
  • the title of the action
  • the keyboard shortcut to launch this action without going through the menu

Here is an example with the File menu


    Similarly, each action can be initiated in several ways.

    • either by clicking on it in the menu
    • or when the menu is opened by typing the key combination: <Alt> + the underlined letter in the action name
    • or when the menu is closed by typing the keyboard shortcut of the action (Ctrl-N or Ctrl-S in the example above)