Menu Bar (L)
Logic forof the menu layoutorganisation
To easily find the actions/commands,actions you are looking for, here is the layoutorganisation we chose to adopt for Ancestris'sthe menus.
File Menu
GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto handlinghandle genealogy files.
- Create, open, close, save, import, merge, export, change its properties, add to
favoritesfavourites - Exit the application
Edit Menu
GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto changingmake global changes to your genealogical data.
- Undo / Redo
- Cut / Copy / Paste
- Find / Replace / Delete
- Generate Sosa
numbersorotherD'Aboville numbering MarkingChange ID numbers- Mark special individuals
- See modifications history
View Menu
GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto access to the genealogical views, that allow us to work with the data.
Editors areThese views show specific aspects of your genealogy and some
Tools Menu
GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto explorationexplore, ofmanipulate and analyse genealogical data.
- Genealogical
Search,SearchrecoveramongdeedAncestrisdatausers, RegistersConsultRecordsregisters records and use them to enrich your genealogy- Miscellaneous utilities (date calculation, calculator)
CheckVerify data (anomalies, duplicates)- Analyse data (common ancestors, lists and reports)
- Publish locally on disk or on the Internet
- Print the active view
Window Menu
GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regardingto windowhandle handlingAncestris windows.
- Access to special windows
- Handling windows : open, close,
anchor,float,clonedock,windowsclone,insetgeneral,to full screen
Options Menu
GroupsThis allmenu regroups the main actions regardingto customisingcustomize Ancestris.
- Preferences
PreferencesSave display settings- Configure tools bar
- Update Ancestris
- Manage Plugins
Help Menu
GroupsThis menu regroups all the actions regarding documentation and how to get help and to help Ancestris.
- All the documentation
- Contact Ancestris
Communitysupport team - Make a donation
- Ancestris website
- About Ancestris
Using the menus
Like the menu bar in many software programs, each menu in the Ancestris menu bar can be opened in two ways.
- or by clicking on it
- or by typing the key combination: <Alt> + the underlined letter in the name of the corresponding menu. For example, to open the Tools menu, type <Alt>+t.
Each menu has actions/commands. An action comprehends:
- the icon illustrating the action, when this icon exists
- the title of the action
- the keyboard shortcut to launch this action without going through the menu
Here is an example with the File menu
Similarly, each action can be initiated in several ways.
- either by clicking on it in the menu
- or when the menu is opened by typing the key combination: <Alt> + the underlined letter in the action name
- or when the menu is closed by typing the keyboard shortcut of the action (Ctrl-N or Ctrl-S in the example above)