Events (L)
An event is a notable fact in the life of an individual or a a famille, usually dated and localized.
While some events are necessarily unique (e.g. birth, death, burial), others may occur several times during a lifetime (e.g. marriage, profession, residence, divorce).
The various types of events
Whether associated with an individual or a family, there are many different events.
A large number of events are predefined in the Gedcom standard and in Ancestris.
When a type of event has not been predefined, it is possible to choose the event "EVEN" which allows you to specify your own.
Predefined events for individuals
- Adoption
- Adult baptism
- Baptism (give a name) (CHR tag)
- Baptism (sacrament) (BAPM tag)
- Bar mitzvah
- Bas mitzvah
- Birth (BIRT tag)
- Blessing
- Burial (BURI tag)
- Caste
- Census
- Confirmation
- Cremation
- Death (DEAT tag)
- Description
- Diploma
- Educational level
- Emigration
- First Communion
- Identity number
- Immigration
- Nationality
- Naturalization
- Number of children
- Number of marriages
- Ordination
- Occupation (OCCU tag)
- Property
- Religion (RELI tag)
- Residence (RESI tag)
- Retirement
- Social Security number
- Title
- Validation
- Will
Predefined events for families
- Cancellation
- Census
- Certificates or authorizations
- Divorced
- Divorce filed
- Engagement
- Marriage (MARR tag)
- Marriage banns (MARB tag)
- Marriage contract (MARC tag)
- Prenuptial marriage contract
Event properties
An event is generally dated and localized. It can have other properties.
Here is a sample of them.
- Date (tag DATE)
- Place (tag PLAC)
- Agency (tag AGNC)
- Cause (tag CAUS)
- Type (tag TYPE)
- Sources (tag SOUR)
- Notes (tag NOTE)
- Multimédia objects (tag OBJE)