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What to expect from the discussion list and how to subscribe

The discussion list allows registered users to share questions and news by email.
You will receive emails from this list coming from other users, and you will be able to send questions to other users as well.

Emails you will receive will look like the one below.  


To this list, you may post any question related to Ancestris usage, declare bugs, ask for help or make suggestions.

You will also receive news about Ancestris.

Traffic on this list is quite low so feel free to use it. If you think you may receive too many emails, you may prefer to use the Forum to get some help.

Subscribe to the list

When you subscribe, you actually register an email address.

You will have to use this address to post on the list.

To subscribe, please send a simple email request to us by clicking here 

Unsubscribe from the list

To unsubscribe, you have to use the same email address that you used to register.

To subscribe, please send a simple email request to us by clicking here 

How to change my email address

If you need to change email address, first unsubscribe using the former email, and then register with the new one.

Please refer to both procedures above.

Helping others

Most questions received on this list are from users asking for help.

If you think you know the answer to their question, please share your experience and reply to them.