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Aquí es donde establece la mayor parte de su personalización de uso.


Tan pronto como se instala Ancestris, se puede comenzar a usar inmediatamente.

Sin embargo, familiarizándose con ciertos ajustes, se puede adaptar Ancestris a la forma de trabajar y dar a la genealogía el aspecto deseado.

Las preferencias son accesibles desde varios lugares.

  • La Barra de menús: Menú Opciones / Preferencias
  • La Barra de herramientas: icono de Preferencias, ubicado en el lado derecho
  • La página de Bienvenida: pestaña Mi Ancestris


Selection bar

The Preferences window has a selection bar above with several categories of preferences.


Clicking on a category button brings up the preferences which can be modified under this category.

The entry field on the right hand side is a filter which makes it easier to find a preference. Type any keyword and press the Enter key. Searching is case insensitive. The panels dealing with the keyword will be enabled and the other panels will be disabled. Hit the Esc key or the Enter key with an empty field to clear the filter and re-enable all panels.

Below is a description of each category. In each category, tooltips are available to help you with the meaning of each setting.


In its lower part, the Preferences window displays a few buttons.


Export... Button

This button copies your preferences to a file. This can be very useful when you have installed Ancestris on several computers. This will allow you to apply the same preferences on all computers without having to reconfigure each one individually.

Import... Button

This button retrieves preferences from a file. It is the reverse operation of the previous one.

OK Button

This button validates any modifications made in the Preferences window and closes it.

Apply Button

This button validates any modifications made in the Preferences window, without closing the window.

Cancel Button

This button closes the window without validating any modifications made in it.


This is the panel where you can change the general appearance of Ancestris.


Interface language

Selects the language used by Ancestris to display all windows.

Reports language

Select the language used by Ancestris to display messages and reports.


Selects the display style of the windows, also called the look and feel.

For each style selected (Standard, Nimbus, Metal, ...), a sample preview is displayed on the right hand side.

Ancestris needs to be restarted to activate a new style.

Some of these "look and feel" are extension modules (InfoNode, JTattoo, etc.) that need to be installed to make them appear and use them. See the Extensions for more details.

Font size

Sets the size of fonts throughout the application.


When the box is checked, the windows' sizes and positions will be saved when you exit Ancestris, and restored when Ancestris is reopened.

Memory size in GB

Forces the memory size allocation to Ancestris to operate.

If you have large family history files, it may be more convenient to allocate a larger number of gigabytes.


This is the panel where you can modify the formats and contents of data elements of your genealogy. It includes two tabs.

General data



Displays the typographical characters used to symbolize certain events (Birth, Marriage, Occupation, etc.).


Defines the text width in number of characters when displaying notes, source texts, etc.


Sets the maximum size of images in kilobytes.


Sets how to display names in terms of the order of the name elements.


The first line sets how to display dates.

The checkbox "Use Christening if birth is missing" asks Ancestris to approximate the birth date to the baptism date, when no birth date is available. Otherwise, birth date is left blank.

  • For example for displaying the root person in the title bar of the dynamic tree.
  • Or for related persons (ex: husband) in the GEDCOM editor.

Here are two examples, the first with the display of the root person in the tree, the other one with the display of the husband in the Gedcom editor.

Case of "Use Christening is birth is missing" set to 'no':

Birth date is left blank

Case of "Use Christening is birth is missing" set to 'yes':

Birth date is approximated (~) to baptism date





The checkbox "Use Burial if death is missing" asks Ancestris to approximate the death date to the burial date, when no death date is available. Otherwise, death date is left blank.



The Private tab helps you define your preferences when sharing your data with other genealogists, or for publication on the Internet.

You decide what confidential data you want to protect.

  • Are considered private: any entity or property falling under the following 3 conditions
    • Properties containing TAG _PRIV : all entities or properties containing the tag you specify will be considered private.  '_PRIV' is the default suggestion.
    • Living persons : all individuals born in the last number of years you specifiy will be considered private.
    • Events of last 'n' years: all these events, but not necessarily the entities they belong to, will be considered private.
  • However are never considered as private: dead person information :  check this box if you are ok to display deceased person's information.
  • Replace text by is the string to display for private date instead of the real information. '...' is the default suggestion.


This panel defines default files and directories, and other file-related settings.

Gedcom files and usual directories

Ancestris offers the possibility to define a main genealogical file that you use most often. This file can then be opened using the Open <Default File> action in the File menu. You define it in the first text field Genealogy file to open.

Also, by default, when Ancestris starts up, it opens the last genealogical files that was open when Ancestris last closed.

The two checkboxes modify this behavior.

  • The Always open this file regardless of open files when closing Ancestris check box forces Ancestris to open the default file at start up.
  • The Do not open any files at startup check box tells Ancestris not to open any files at startup.

The following setting is the Reports output directory. This is the directory where Ancestris will save user reports or error reports.

Log file and backup copies

Maximum size of log file limits the size of the log file. If the maximum size is reached, the log does starts removing the top lines.

Log Level tells Ancestris the level of details of the information to be collected by the log file. The more it is towards "SEVERE", the less it is detailed. The more it is towards "ALL", the more it is detailed. Be careful, the more detailed it is, the more it slows down your use since everything that happens in the software will be noted.

Number of backup copies defines the number of saved copies to keep for security reasons, in addition to the latest version. The name of each backup file is the same as the name of the main file, completed with the date and time of the recording. For example, if the number of backup copies is 3, each recording (Save action on the File menu, or <Ctrl-S>) will delete the oldest backup copy and keep four copies of the current genealogy: the most recent, plus the previous three copies with their timestamp.

Backup directory defines the directory where Ancestris will create the backup files.


This panel define your preferences when editing genealogical information or when using the editors.



These options relate to the names of individuals.

Forces all lastnames in uppercase converts a surname into uppercase when validating the entry.

Defaults the same lastname to the wife assigns the child's lastname to both parents when creating them.

Tag used to read given name defines the tag to use when reading the gedcom file, to get the common first name. The default tag is NICK.


    This option defines places jurisdictions display preferences. It includes two items.

    Add and save spaces between jurisdictions: for better visibility, a space is added after each comma separating the various place jurisdictions.

    Split jurisdictions to edit in Gedcom editor: separates the places jurisdictions when editing them in the Gedcom Editor.

    • Example: Box unchecked. Places are not split.


    • Box checked. Places are split.


    ID Numbers

    This option defines preferences for the ID number format of entities.

    Reuse available (deleted) numbers: forces Ancestris to reuse earlier ID numbers that have been made available when their corresponding entities have been deleted.

    Default Entity ID length: sets the number of digits for ID numbers.


    This option deals with the encoding of the file saved on disk. It is a technical parameter that defines the character table used to save the file.

    File Encoding selects the character table. It is recommended to encode with the UTF-8 table.


    TheseEstas optionsopciones dealse withocupan thedel behaviorcomportamiento ofde thelos editors.editores.

    DefaultEl editorEditor predeterminado definesdefine theel editor toque usese byutilizará default,de informa predeterminada, en particular througha thetravés de la acción del contextmenú menucontextual action nameddenominada 'Edit/ModifyEditar/Modificar'.'

    Confirmar cambios automáticamente sin pedir confirmación le evita tener que confirmar con el botón Aceptar todos los cambios que realice. Independientemente de esta configuración, por razones de seguridad, la confirmación de la acción Eliminar permanecerá.

    AutomaticallyEl commitnúmero changesmáximo withoutde asking for confirmationcancelaciones spareses youel fromnúmero confirmingmáximo withde thecambios OKque buttonse allpueden changesdeshacer youcon Regardless of this setting, for security reason, the Delete action confirmation will remain.

    Maximum number of cancellations is the maximum number of changes that can be undone using thetecla Ctrl + Z keyo orel thebotón UndoDeshacer buttonen on thela ToolbarBarra de herramientas.

    Automatically create both parents when adding a parent adds the placeholders of both parents when creating an individual's parent.

    Automatically create age tag when editing an event date adds the age tag and calculate the age if the date of the event is changed. If the birth date or the christening date is changed, it recalculates all event ages for the individual.

    Automatically detect duplicate individuals detects duplicate individuals each time you edit an individual. An individual can indeed become a duplicate when you change their date of birth, name, etc. even though this was not a duplicate initially.
    When saving your changes to the person, Ancestris checks with the criteria defined in the Merge duplicates tool if a duplicate exists.
    If a duplicate is found but not merged, it will be detected each time one of the duplicate individuals is modified.


    ThisEste panel definesdefine thelas preferencespreferencias ofde somealgunas extensions,extensiones, alsotambién calledllamadas modules.módulos. EachCada tab underneath represents pestaña differentdebajo module.representa un módulo diferente.


    TheLa settingsconfiguración forde eachcada extensionextensión arese describeddescribe inen thela Customizationsección sectionPersonalización ofde thela correspondingpágina modulede documentationdocumentación page.


    módulo correspondiente.


    ThisEste panel dealsse withocupa thede Internetla configuración de la conexión del proxy connectionde settings.Internet.


    • FirstPrimera optionopción:: NoSin proxy.
    • SecondSegunda optionopción:: UseUsar Systemla Proxyconfiguración Settings.del Thisproxy isdel thesistema. defaultEsta settinges forla automaticconfiguración detection.predeterminada para la detección automática.
    • ThirdTercera optionopción:: Configuración Manual Proxyde Settings.Proxy. YouDeberá willespecificar needla todirección specifydel the proxy address.proxy.

    TheEl botón TestProbar connectionconexión buttonle allowspermite youcomprobar tosi checkla whetherconexión these connectionha hasconfigurado been correctly configured.correctamente.

    KeymapMapa de teclas

    ThisEste panel definesdefine Ancestrislos keyboardmétodos shortcuts.abreviados de teclado de Ancestris.


    Perfil selecciona uno de los perfiles guardados. 'NetBeans' es el perfil predeterminado.

    El botón Mostrar como HTML abre el navegador con la tabla de métodos abreviados de teclado. Muy útil si se quieren imprimir.

    El botón Administrar perfiles permite asignar diferentes accesos directos a diferentes perfiles. La ventana que se abre para gestionar perfiles contiene varios botones.

    • Duplicar crea una copia del perfil seleccionado
    • Restaurar valores predeterminados restaura el contenido original del perfil seleccionado
    • Eliminar elimina el perfil seleccionado
    • ExportExportar copiescopia theel contentscontenido ofdel theperfil selectedseleccionado profilea toun anarchivo xml file
    • ImportImportación createscrea un nuevo perfil a newpartir profilede fromun anarchivo xml file
    • CloseCerrar closescierra thela Manageventana ProfilesAdministrar windowPerfiles
    • HelpAyuda opensabre helpla forayuda thispara windowesta ventana (buttonbotón currentlyactualmente unavailable)no disponible)

    SearchBúsqueda allowspermite youfiltrar tola filterlista thede listaccesos ofdirectos shortcutssegún accordingsu to their action.acción.

    SearchBuscar inen shortcutsaccesos directos filtersfiltra thela listlista ofde shortcuts,accesos dependingdirectos, onsegún ala keytecla used.utilizada.

    Lista de accesos directos

    Cada línea representa la posible asociación entre una acción y un acceso directo.

    La columna Acciones enumera las diferentes acciones de Ancestris.

    La columna Acceso directo indica el Método abreviado de teclado para la acción cuando esta existe

    A la derecha de cada celda, hay un botón [...] que abre un menú contextual que contiene las siguientes acciones.

    • Editar le permite agregar una combinación de teclas o modificar una ya definida
    • Agregar alternativa (que está disponible solo cuando la celda está completa) permite agregar otro acceso directo a la misma acción
    • Restablecen a los predeterminados restablece el acceso directo definido durante la instalación de Ancestris
    • Borrar elimina el acceso directo

    La columna Categoría indica la categoría a la que pertenece el comando asociado.


    Este panel define las preferencias de la ventana Salida (o ventana Consola). Ver Menú Ventana / Salida.


    Estas opciones definen los formatos de visualización de los mensajes enviados al usuario en la consola (mensaje de error, advertencia, etc.).

    Entre otras cosas, le permite elegir la categoría y el tamaño de la fuente, así como su color, dependiendo del tipo de mensaje enviado.

    La parte inferior del panel muestra una visión general de las elecciones realizadas.

    Preferencias de Exportación e Importación

    Recuerde que si desea tener las mismas preferencias de Ancestris en varios equipos, primero debe exportar su configuración desde el equipo de origen y luego importarla en el equipo de destino.

    También es posible hacer una copia del .ancestris directory. Ver Configuración de Archivo.

    Un clic en el botón de exportación y seleccione las opciones que desea exportar.


    A continuación, indique el archivo en el que se guardarán las opciones seleccionadas. Es un archivo en formato ZIP.