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Drag-and-Drop Menu

The Drag-and-Drop menu can be used to copy entities across genealogies, or to merge entities within the same genealogy.

YouIt accesscan also be used to build a relationship between the Drag-and-Droptwo menuentities wheninvolved, to make it much faster for you clickto andbuild dragyour any entity and start moving it somewhere else.
On every location where you can access the Context Menu, you can drag-and-Drop the corresponding entity.

The Drag-and-Drop menu differs depending on whethergenealogy.

en-Drag-n-Drop-different.png en-Drag-n-Drop-same.png
Drag-and-Drop Menu used across different genealogies Drag-and-Drop Menu used within the same genealogy

The Drag-and-Drop menu appears when dropping an entity previously clicked and dragged.  You first need to click any entity and start to move it somewhere else, and then you need to drop it on a non forbidden area.
On every location where you can access the Context Menu, you can Drag or Drop an entity.




The context menu has a title and a list of action items.

The title isdisplays the nametwo ofentities involved in the 'clicked'Drag-and-Drop entity.gesture.

The list of action items dependsentity on the left hand side is the entity you clicked on to, and the window it is in. That is why it is called athe "context"imported menu.entity.


The proposedentity actionon appliesthe toright hand side is the entity inyou itsdrop specificon, and is called the target entity.

The exampleDrag-and-Drop abovemenu isdiffers depending on whether you move an entity across different genealogies, or within the Contextsame Menu when clicking on an individual Entity in the Dynamic tree view.

Only certain views offer a context menu.

They are as follows:genealogy.

  • TheAcross Dynamicdifferent Treegenealogies, Ancestris assumes you want to copy entities
  • Within the same genealogy, Ancestris assumes you want to merge entities

Other actions to links the two entities are suggested, to make it much faster for individualsyou andto Theyour right click must be made on an individual box or a family box. genealogy.

Drag-and-Drop menu actions

Below is a description of all the possible actions included in the Drag-n-Drop menu.

The Drag-and-Drop menu can also be called from a Gedcom object.


Configures the layout and the data content of the entity's information to be displayed. This is done by creating or modifying a blueprint.

This action item only appears when you click an entity in its blueprint.