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Menu contextual

There isainda yetoutra anotherforma wayde ofexecutar executinguma anacçãoa actionsem withoutir going through thepela menubarra bar,de keyboardmenu, shortcutsatalhos de teclado, orou toolsbarra barde ferramentas.

ItQue isconsiste byem usingutilizar theo contextmenu menucontextual.

A contextUm menu iscontextual displayedé bymostrado rightclicando clickingcom ano object,botão usuallydireito ando entityrato num objecto, normalmente uma entidade (individual,indivíduo, family,família, source,fonte, etc.).

The contextO menu hascontextual atem titleum andtítulo ae listuma oflista acções.

TheO titletítulo isé theo namenome ofda theentidade chosen entity.escolhida.

TheA listlista ofde actionsacções dependsdepende onda theentidade entityescolhida. youÉ chose.por Thatisso isque whyse itdesigna is calledpor "context"contextual". EachCada proposedacção actionproposta appliesaplica-se toao thecontexto chosendo object.objecto escolhido.

Only certainalgumas viewsvistas offeroferecem ao contextmenu menu.contextual.

They areSão as follows:seguintes:

  • The Dynamic

    a Tree,Árvore fordinâmica, thepara categoriesas individualscategorias andindivíduos families.e Thefamílias. rightO clickclique mustdireito bedeve madeser onfeito ansobre uma caixa individual orou familyfamiliar;

  • The Entity

    a Table,Tabela forde allentidades, entitypara categories.todas Theas rightcategorias clickde mustentidades. beO madeclique ondireito onedeve ofser thefeito cells,numa preferablydas incélulas, thede columnpreferência includingna thecoluna identificationcom number.o número de identificação;

  • The Cygnus

    o editor,editor forCygnus, thepara selectedo individual.indivíduo Theseleccionado. rightO clickclique mustdireito bedeve madeser onfeito thena upperfaixa bannersuperior givingdando theo fullnome namecompleto ofdo theindivíduo;

  • The Gedcom

    o editor,editor forGedcom, allpara categoriestodas ofas entitiescategorias andde theentidades informatione itas contains.informações Thenele rightcontidas. clickO mustclique bedireito madedeve onser anyfeito ofem thequalquer linesuma ofdas thelinhas entityda orentidade onou theno lowerpainel panelinferior whenao displayingexibir theo entity'sresumo summary.da entidade;

  • The Entity

    a Sheet,Folha forde allentidade, entitypara categories.todas Theas rightcategorias clickde mustentidades. beO madeclique ondireito thedeve displayedser area.

  • feito
  • Thena Gedcomárea Explorer,mostrada.
    O forExplorador allGedcom, entitypara categories.todas Theas rightcategorias clickde mustentidades. beO madeclique ondireito andeve entity.ser feito sobre uma entidade.

ContextAcções do menu actionscontextual

BelowAbaixo isencontra-se auma descriptiondescrição ofdas thepossíveis possibly found actions.acções.

ChangeAlterar thea layoutdisposição ofde anum individualindivíduo orou familyfamília

AllowsPermite to configure the amount and layout of the entity's information. This is accomplished byconfigurar a template,quantidade thate candisposição beda changedinformação onde theuma openentidade. window.Isto é conseguido através de um modelo, que pode ser alterado na janela aberta.

Cut,Cortar, Copy,copiar Pastee colar

AllowsPermite tocortar, cut,copiar copyou orcolar add information.informação.

AddAdicionar adirectamente propertyuma directlypropriedade

AddAdicionar uma propriedade a propertyuma toentidade. an entity.verá Youas willpropriedades onlypadrão seepermitidas thena Gedcomnorma standard allowed properties.Gedcom.

AddAdicionar auma propertypropriedade withcom aum wizard.assistente...

AllowsPermite tover see theas propertiespropriedades that can be associated to the selected entity or create a new one.

This selection is made by clicking the left column, which displays some details about the use of this property in the right-hand column.

To create a new property, click on the bottom option, and enter its name as shown.

Propagate selected properties...

Allows you to associate the properties on which you have right-clicked:

  • either, to entities of the same category of the whole genealogy
  • or, to a particular entity, to be selected from the drop-down menu that will appear.

The Diffuse also values associated with this property checkbox, when enabled, automatically diffuses the same property and its value.

Add another individual or family

Allows you to add an individual or family to the selected entity. It accesses one or more sub-actions :

  • Family (on which this person depends) allows to add the two boxes representing the locations of the two parents of the selected individual
  • Add an alias...
  • Add a child allows you to add a child from an individual or a family
  • Add Parent(s) allows you to add the parents of an individual
  • Add Brother/Sister allows you to add one or more brother(s)/sister(s) to an individual.
  • Add a spouse allows you to add a spouse to an individual.
  • Add an associated person (example: Witness) allows you to add a witness, a participant, a declarant, etc.

Depending on the entity, or on the property concerned, not all sub-actions will necessarily be present.

Add a media, a note or a source

Allows associating an existing entity to the one we right-clicked. These are the possible sub-actions :

  1. Note adds a shared note or uses a already existing one.
  2. Multimedia element adds a multimedia element or uses a already existing one.
  3. Source adds a source or uses a already existing one.
  4. Submitter adds a submitter or uses a already existing one.

Create a global entity

Allows adding one or more entities to your genealogy, without links to the one we right-clicked at.

These are the possible sub-actions :

  • Create an individual creates a new entity individual
  • Create a family creates a new entity family
  • Create a note creates a new entity note
  • Create a media creates a new entity multimedia element
  • Create a source creates a new entity source
  • Create a repository creates a new entity repository
  • Create a submitter creates a new entity submitter

Manage SOSA / d'Aboville numbering

Allows you to generate a genealogy numbering, starting from the individual on whom you right click.

The selected individual becomes the Sosa number 1 of the genealogy and a new numbering of all the ancestors and their descendants can be numbered from it.


Available only for properties related to another entity.

Modify the places format  /!\ title format

Opens a window allowing to change the places criteria.

Encrypt the selected properties

Allows encryption of all information of the entity.

Do not loose the password used for the encryption, it will make it impossible to retrieve the information.


Opens the default editor with the selected entity, makes temporary changes, does not save them. /!\ missing space and uppercase

Delete the selected properties...

Deletes the selected properties.

This action is final. You will see a confirmation window, asking you to confirm the deletion.

Navigate to relatives

Relatives simple navigator, allowing to go directly to a relative of the individual.

Bookmark this entity in Dynamic tree

Create a bookmark for the dynamic tree so that we can, from the menu Bookmark of the Dynamic tree, directly see the individual or family on the the tree.

Make root

Rebuilds the dynamic tree for the entity on whom you right-clicked.

Run a report

Allows launching any possible report for the selected entity.

Choose as preferred family for Dynamic tree

Allows choosing the default family and spouse to show on the dynamic tree.

Swap spouses

If, by mistake, spouses were wrongfully entered, use this to correct it.

Register Photo : birth | marriage | death | misc

Allows you to display in the records viewer, the photo of the act corresponding to the name of the event, on an entity having a photo from an act statement.

This action appears only if the Registers Records tool is installed and not necessarily open.