Registros de registros - Apéndice
Mapeo entre los datos de registro y Gedcom
Caso de nacimiento
Certificado de nacimiento | Individual | ||
IndiFirstName |
INDI:NAME | Opcional | reemplaza el nombre y apellido de la persona con el nombre en el registro |
IndiSex | INDI:SEX | Opcional | reemplaza el sexo del individuo con el sexo en el registro |
IndiBirthDate | INDI:BIRT:DATE | Obligatorio | agrega (o reemplaza) la fecha de nacimiento del individuo con la fecha de nacimiento del registro IndiBirthDate o, si este último está en blanco, con la fecha del evento del registro EventDate. |
IndiPlace | INDI:BIRT:PLAC | Opcional | agrega (o reemplaza) el lugar de nacimiento. |
IndiComment | INDI:NOTE | Opcional | añade el comentario en la nota del nacimiento del individuo |
IndiFatherFirstName |
padre:NAME | Opcional |
Si el individuo ya tiene progenitores, Si el individuo no tiene progenitores: busca familias con los mismos nombres de progenitores y con fechas compatibles con la fecha de nacimiento (fecha de matrimonio, fecha de nacimiento y muerte de los progenitores) Si tiene varios, se muestran en una lista y el usuario elige. Si el individuo aún no tiene un padre asociado en el gedcom: busca individuos que podrían ser el padre (mismo apellido y nombre, fecha de nacimiento y muerte consistentes con la del nacimiento del individuo). Si tiene varios, se muestran en una lista y el usuario elige. Si no se encuentra un padre potencial, crea un nuevo individuo que será el padre y crea una familia con el individuo como un niño. |
IndiFatherOccupation | padre:OCCU | Opcional | |
IndiFatherComment |
padre:NOTE | Opcional | |
IndiMotherFirstName |
madre:NAME | Opcional | mismo que para el padre IndiFatherLastName |
IndiMotherOccupation | madre:OCCU | Opcional | lo mismo que para la profesión del padre IndiFatherOccupation |
IndiMotherComment |
madre:NOTE | Opcional | lo mismo que para el Padre IndiFatherComment |
INDI:BIRT:NOTE | Opcional | Estos campos se concatenan y se agregan en la nota del nacimiento del individuo. |
EventPlace | INDI:BIRT:SOUR | Obligatorio | busca la fuente asociada con el lugar común de nacimiento. Propone crear un origen si no hay un origen correspondiente. |
Cote | SOUR:REFN | Opcional | |
Photo | INDI:BIRT:SOUR:NOTE | Opcional | |
Parish | INDI:BIRT:SOUR:NOTE | Opcional |
Caso de matrimonio
<Por completar>
Caso de un evento de una defunción
<Por completar>
Caso de un acto diverso
<Por completar>
Importar y exportar formato de archivo
Los cuatro tipos de instrucciones tienen el mismo formato: las líneas constan de 82 campos separados por un punto y coma. El contenido de los campos está codificado en formato UTF-8. Cada línea termina con el separador "rn" (final de línea en formato Windows).
Si el carácter separador de punto y coma está presente dentro de un campo, el campo se escribe entre comillas al escribir en el archivo. De la misma manera, si el carácter de comilla está presente dentro de un campo, se agrega una segunda comilla después de él (consultar RFC 4180).
Algunos campos se ignoran cuando Ancestris lee el archivo dependiendo del tipo de evento, consultar la tabla a continuación.
Consejo: Es posible crear un archivo en formato Ancestris con un programa de hoja de cálculo para, por ejemplo, reutilizar datos ya introducidos con un programa de hoja de cálculo.
- crear una tabla de 90 columnas con el programa de hoja de cálculo
- poner ANCESTRISV4 en la primera columna de todas las filas
- rellenar las demás columnas como se define a continuación. Es posible dejar las celdas vacías excepto en la 1ª y 8ª columna.
- guardar datos en formato CSV o TXT (con punto y coma como separador de celdas)
Column | |||||
"ANCESTRISV4" | x | x | x | x | |
CityName | x | x | x | x | |
CityCode | |||||
CountyName | x | x | x | x | |
StateName | x | x | x | x | |
CountryName | x | x | x | x | |
ParishName | x | x | x | x | |
EventType | "N" | "M" | "D" | "V" | |
EventTypeTag | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | |
EventTypeName | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | description of generic event type |
EventDate | x | x | x | x | event date |
SecondDate | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | date of insinuation or recording of the event |
Cote | x | x | x | x | Register's reference |
Freecomment | x | x | x | x | photo or folio number |
Notary | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | name of the notary |
IndiLastName | x | x | x | x |
Name of the : if N: new born, if M: spouse, if D: deceased, if V: speaker n°1 |
IndiFirstName | x | x | x | x | firstname |
IndiSex | x | x | x | x | sex |
IndiBirthPlace | ignoré | x | x | x | place of birth or place of origin |
IndiBirthDate | x | x | x | x | date of birth . For a birth it is by default the date of the event. |
IndiAge | ignoré | x | x | x | age |
IndiOccupation | ignoré | x | x | x | occupation |
IndiResidence | ignoré | x | x | x | home |
IndiComment | x | x | x | x | comment from the individual or speaker no. 1 |
IndiMarriedLastName | ignoré | x | x | x | former spouse |
IndiMarriedFirstName | ignoré | x | x | x | firstname |
IndiMarriedDead | ignoré | x | x | x | deceased or not |
IndiMarriedOccupation | ignoré | x | x | x | occupation |
IndiMariedResidence | ignoré | x | x | x | home |
IndiMarriedComment | ignoré | x | x | x | comment of former spouse |
IndiFatherLastName | x | x | x | x | father's lastname |
IndiFatherFirstName | x | x | x | x | firstname |
IndiFatherAge | x | x | x | x | age |
IndiFatherDead | x | x | x | x | deceased or not |
IndiFatherOccupation | x | x | x | x | occupation |
IndiFatherResidence | x | x | x | x | home |
IndiFatherComment | x | x | x | x | comment for father |
IndiMotherLastName | x | x | x | x | mother's lastname |
IndiMotherFirstName | x | x | x | x | firstname |
IndiMotherAge | x | x | x | x | age |
IndiMotherDead | x | x | x | x | deceased or not |
IndiMotherOccupation | x | x | x | x | occupation |
IndiMotherResidence | x | x | x | x | home |
IndiMotherComment | x | x | x | x | comment for mother |
WifeLastName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | wife (marriage) or witness n°2 (miscellaneous acts) |
WifeFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | firstname |
WifeSex | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | sex |
WifePlace | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | birthplace or orgine |
WifeBirthDate | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | birthdate |
WifeAge | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | age |
WifeOccupation | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | occupation |
WifeResidence | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | home |
WifeComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | comment by the wife or speaker n°2 |
WifeMarriedLastName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | Ex-spouse of the woman or speaker n°2 |
WifeMarriedFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | firstname |
WifeMarriedDead | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | deceased or not |
WifeMarriedOccupation | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | occupation |
WifeMarriedResidence | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | home |
WifeMarriedComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | comment by the woman's ex-spouse or speaker no. 2 |
WifeFatherLastName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | Father of the wife or of the speaker n°2 |
WifeFatherFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | firstname |
WifeFatherAge | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | age |
WifeFatherDead | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | deceased or not |
WifeFatherOccupation | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | occupation |
WifefatherResidence | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | home |
WifeFatherComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | father's commentary |
WifeMotherLastName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | Mother of wife or speaker n°2 |
WifeMotherFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | firstname |
WifeMotherAge | ignoré | x | ignoré | x
age |
WifeMotherDead | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | deceased or not |
WifeMotherOccupation | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | occupation |
WifeMotherResidence | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | home |
WifeMotherComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | mother's commentary |
Witness1LastName | x | x | x | x | witness n°1 or godfather |
Witness1FirstName | x | x | x | x | firstname |
Witness1Occupation | x | x | x | x | occupation |
Witness1Comment | x | x | x | x | comment from the witness or godfather |
Witness2LastName | x | x | x | x | witness n°2 or godmother |
Witness2FirstName | x | x | x | x | firstname |
Witness2Occupation | x | x | x | x | occupation |
Witness2Comment | x | x | x | x | comment from the witness or godmother |
Witness3LastName | x | x | x | x | witness n°3 |
Witness3FirstName | x | x | x | x | firstname |
Witness3Occupation | x | x | x | x | occupation |
Witness3Comment | x | x | x | x | witness's comment |
Witness4LastName | x | x | x | x | witness n°4 |
Witness4FirstName | x | x | x | x | firstname |
Witness4Occupation | x | x | x | x | occupation |
Witness4Comment | x | x | x | x | witness's comment |
GeneralComment | x | x | x | x | general comment |
NIMEGUE format
The four types of statements have different formats.
- Birth rows contain 30 columns
- The wedding rows contain 60 columns
- The death rows contain 38 columns.
- Rows for miscellaneous acts contain 64 columns
The fields are separated by a semicolon. The last field of the line is always followed by a semicolon. Lines are separated by 2 characters x0A x0D If the semicolon separator character is present inside a field, it is replaced by a period when writing to the file because Nimegue does not support the RFC 4180 recommendation.
Column | Birth | Marriage | Death | Miscellaneous | Description | Importing in Ancestris |
"NIMEGUEV3" | x | x | x | x | Mandatory | |
CityCode | x | x | x | x | ignored | |
CityName | x | x | x | x | ||
CountyCode | x | x | x | x | Ancestris uses CountyCode if CountyName is empty | |
CountyName | x | x | x | x | ||
EventType | "N" | "M" | "D" | "V" | Mandatory | Cannot be empty |
Date | x | x | x | x | ||
IncompletDate | x | x | x | x | ||
Cote | x | x | x | x | ||
Freecomment | x | x | x | x | ||
EventTypeName | x | |||||
EventTypeTag | x | |||||
IndiLastName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiFirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiSex | x | x | x | |||
IndiPlace | x | x | x | |||
IndiBirthDate | x | x | x | |||
IndiAge | x | x | x | |||
IndiComment | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiOccupation | x | x | x | |||
IndiMarriedLastName | x | x | x | ex-spouse | ||
IndiMarriedFirstName | x | x | x | |||
IndiMarriedComment | x | x | x | |||
IndiMarriedOccupation | x | |||||
IndiFatherLastName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiFatherFirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiFatherComment | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiFatherOccupation | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiMotherLastName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiMotherFirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiMotherComment | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiMotherOccupation | x | x | x | x | ||
WifeLastName | x | x | ||||
WifeFirstName | x | x | ||||
WifeSex | x | |||||
WifePlace | x | x | ||||
WifeBirthDate | x | x | ||||
WifeAge | x | x | ||||
WifeComment | x | x | ||||
WifeOccupation | x | x | ||||
WifeMarriedLastName | x | x | ex-spouse | |||
WifeMarriedFirstName | x | x | ||||
WifeMarriedComment | x | x | ||||
WifeFatherLastName | x | x | ||||
WifeFatherFirstName | x | x | ||||
WifeFatherComment | x | x | ||||
WifeFatherOccupation | x | x | ||||
WifeMotherLastName | x | x | ||||
WifeMotherFirstName | x | x | ||||
WifeMotherComment | x | x | ||||
WifeMotherOccupation | x | x | ||||
Witness1LastName | x | x | x | x | witness n°1 or godfather | |
Witness1FirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
Witness1Comment | x | x | x | x | ||
Witness2LastName | x | x | x | x | witness n°2 or godmother | |
Witness2FirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
Witness2Comment | x | x | x | x | ||
Witness3LastName | x | x | ||||
Witness3FirstName | x | x | ||||
Witness3Comment | x | x | ||||
Witness4LastName | x | x | ||||
Witness4FirstName | x | x | ||||
Witness4Comment | x | x | ||||
GeneralComment | x | x | x | x | ||
RecordNo | x | x | x | x | register's number |
EGMT format
All four types of statements have the same format: the lines consist of 44 fields separated by a semicolon. The contents of the fields are encoded inUTF-8 format.
If the semicolon separator character is present within a field, the field is enclosed in quotation marks when writing to the file. Similarly, if the quote character is present inside a field, a second quote is added after it (see RFC 4180).
Some fields are ignored when Ancestris reads the file, see the table below.
Tip: It is possible to create a file in EGMT format with a spreadsheet program to, for example, reuse data already entered with a spreadsheet program.
- create a table of 44 columns with the spreadsheet program
- fill in the columns according to the definition below. It is possible to leave cells empty except for the first column.
- save data in CSV or TXT format (with semicolon as cell separator)
Column | Birth | Marriage | Death | Miscellaneous | Comment |
EventType | "birth" | "marriage" | "death" | "marriage contract"
"will" |
Event type (mandatory) |
CountyCode | x | x | x | x | county code |
CityName | x | x | city name | ||
ParishName | x | x | x | x | parish name if there is more than one in the city |
NotaryName | ignored | ignored | ignored | x | |
Cote | x | x | x | x | |
PhotoNo | x | x | x | x | photo number |
Day | x | x | x | x | |
Month | x | x | x | x | |
Year | x | x | x | x | |
IndiLastName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFirstName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiSex | x | x | x | x | |
IndiAge | ignored | x | x | x | |
IndiPlace | ignored | x | x | x | |
IndiComment | x | x | x | x | Writing: ancestris adds the date of birth, occupation and information on the former spouse (for a marriage, death or miscellaneous record). |
IndiFatherFirstName | x | x | x | x | Reading: Ancestris uses the same name as the son (IndiLastName) |
IndiFatherDead | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFatherComment | x | x | x | x | Writing: Ancestris adds occupation |
IndiMotherLastName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherFirstName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherDead | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherComment | x | x | x | x | Writing: Ancestris adds profession |
WifeLastName | ignored | x | x | x | |
WifeFirstName | ignored | x | x | x | |
WifeDead | ignored | x | x | x | |
WifeAge | ignored | x | x | x | |
WifePlace | ignored | x | ignored | x | |
WifeComment | ignored | x | x | x | Writing: Ancestris adds the date of birth, profession and information on the former spouse (for a marriage, death or miscellaneous record). |
WifeFatherFirstName | ignored | x | ignored | x | Reading: Ancestris uses the same name as the girl (WifeLastName) |
WifeFatherDead | ignored | x | ignored | x | |
WifeFatherComment | ignored | x | ignored | x | |
WifeMotherLastName | ignored | x | ignored | x | |
WifeMotherFirstName | ignored | x | ignored | x | |
WifeMotherDead | ignored | x | ignored | x | |
WifeMotherComment | ignored | x | ignored | x | |
Heirs | ignored | ignored | ignored | x |
heirs Reading: Ancestris adds this field in the general comment (GeneralComment) |
Witness1LastName | x | x | x | x | witness n°1 or godfather |
Witness1FirstName | x | x | x | x | |
Witness1Comment | x | x | x | x | |
Witness2LastName | x | x | x | x | witness n°2 or godmother |
Witness2FirstName | x | x | x | x | |
Witness2Comment | x | x | x | x | |
GeneralComment | x | x | x | x |
Writing: Ancestris adds the 3rd and 4th witnesses |