Registros de registros - Apéndice
MappingMapeo betweenentre registerlos anddatos de registro y Gedcom data
CaseCaso ofde a birthnacimiento
Individual | |||
IndiFirstName |
IndiSex | INDI:SEX | ||
IndiBirthDate | INDI:BIRT:DATE | ||
IndiPlace | INDI:BIRT:PLAC | ||
IndiComment | INDI:NOTE | ||
IndiFatherFirstName |
IndiFatherOccupation | |||
IndiFatherComment |
IndiMotherFirstName |
IndiMotherOccupation | |||
IndiMotherComment |
EventPlace | INDI:BIRT:SOUR | ||
Cote | SOUR:REFN | ||
CaseCaso ofde a marriagematrimonio
<ToPor be completedcompletar>
CaseCaso ofde anun eventevento ofde auna deathdefunción
<ToPor be completedcompletar>
CaseCaso ofde aun miscellaneousacto actdiverso
<ToPor be completedcompletar>
Importar Importy andexportar exportformato filede formatarchivo
AllLos fourcuatro typestipos ofde statementsinstrucciones havetienen theel samemismo format:formato: thelas lineslíneas consistconstan ofde 82 fieldscampos separatedseparados bypor aun semicolon.punto They contentscoma. ofEl thecontenido fieldsde arelos encodedcampos inestá codificado en formato UTF-88. format.Cada Eachlínea linetermina endscon withel the separatorseparador "\r\n"rn" (endfinal ofde linelínea inen Windowsformato format)Windows).
IfSi theel semicoloncarácter separatorseparador characterde ispunto presenty insidecoma aestá field,presente thedentro fieldde isun enclosedcampo, inel quotationcampo marksse whenescribe writingentre tocomillas theal file.escribir Inen theel samearchivo. way,De ifla themisma quotemanera, charactersi isel presentcarácter insidede acomilla field,está apresente seconddentro quotede isun addedcampo, afterse itagrega una segunda comilla después de él (seeconsultar RFC 4180).
SomeAlgunos fieldscampos arese ignoredignoran whencuando Ancestris readslee theel filearchivo dependingdependiendo ondel thetipo typede ofevento, event,consultar seela thetabla tablea below.continuación.
Tip:Consejo: ItEs isposible possiblecrear toun createarchivo en formato Ancestris con un programa de hoja de cálculo para, por ejemplo, reutilizar datos ya introducidos con un programa de hoja de cálculo.
- crear una tabla de 90 columnas con el programa de hoja de cálculo
- poner ANCESTRISV4 en la primera columna de todas las filas
- rellenar las demás columnas como se define a
filecontinuación.inEsAncestrisposibleformatdejarwithlasaceldasspreadsheetvacíasprogramexceptoto,enforlaexample,1ªreuseydata8ªalready entered with a spreadsheet program.create a table of 90 columns with the spreadsheet programcolumna.putguardarANCESTRISV4datosinenthe first column of all rowsfill in the other columns as defined below. It is possible to leave cells empty except for the 1st and 8th data informato CSVoro TXTformat(con(withpuntosemicolonyascomacellcomoseparator)separador de celdas)
Column Birth Marriage Death Miscellaneous Comment "ANCESTRISV4" x x x x version of the format (mandatory) CityName x x x x city name CityCode city code CountyName x x x x county name StateName x x x x state name CountryName x x x x country ParishName x x x x parish name EventType "N" "M" "D" "V" event type EventTypeTag ignoré ignoré ignoré x generic event type EventTypeName ignoré ignoré ignoré x description of generic event type EventDate x x x x event date SecondDate ignoré ignoré ignoré x date of insinuation or recording of the event Cote x x x x Register's reference Freecomment x x x x photo or folio number Notary ignoré ignoré ignoré x name of the notary IndiLastName x x x x Name of the :
if N: new born, if M: spouse, if D: deceased, if V: speaker n°1
IndiFirstName x x x x firstname IndiSex x x x x sex IndiBirthPlace ignoré x x x place of birth or place of origin IndiBirthDate x x x x date of birth . For a birth it is by default the date of the event. IndiAge ignoré x x x age IndiOccupation ignoré x x x occupation IndiResidence ignoré x x x home IndiComment x x x x comment from the individual or speaker no. 1 IndiMarriedLastName ignoré x x x former spouse IndiMarriedFirstName ignoré x x x firstname IndiMarriedDead ignoré x x x deceased or not IndiMarriedOccupation ignoré x x x occupation IndiMariedResidence ignoré x x x home IndiMarriedComment ignoré x x x comment of former spouse IndiFatherLastName x x x x father's lastname IndiFatherFirstName x x x x firstname IndiFatherAge x x x x age IndiFatherDead x x x x deceased or not IndiFatherOccupation x x x x occupation IndiFatherResidence x x x x home IndiFatherComment x x x x comment for father IndiMotherLastName x x x x mother's lastname IndiMotherFirstName x x x x firstname IndiMotherAge x x x x age IndiMotherDead x x x x deceased or not IndiMotherOccupation x x x x occupation IndiMotherResidence x x x x home IndiMotherComment x x x x comment for mother WifeLastName ignoré x ignoré x wife (marriage) or witness n°2 (miscellaneous acts) WifeFirstName ignoré x ignoré x firstname WifeSex ignoré ignoré ignoré x sex WifePlace ignoré x ignoré x birthplace or orgine WifeBirthDate ignoré x ignoré x birthdate WifeAge ignoré x ignoré x age WifeOccupation ignoré x ignoré x occupation WifeResidence ignoré x ignoré x home WifeComment ignoré x ignoré x comment by the wife or speaker n°2 WifeMarriedLastName ignoré x ignoré x Ex-spouse of the woman or speaker n°2 WifeMarriedFirstName ignoré x ignoré x firstname WifeMarriedDead ignoré x ignoré x deceased or not WifeMarriedOccupation ignoré x ignoré x occupation WifeMarriedResidence ignoré x ignoré x home WifeMarriedComment ignoré x ignoré x comment by the woman's ex-spouse or speaker no. 2 WifeFatherLastName ignoré x ignoré x Father of the wife or of the speaker n°2 WifeFatherFirstName ignoré x ignoré x firstname WifeFatherAge ignoré x ignoré x age WifeFatherDead ignoré x ignoré x deceased or not WifeFatherOccupation ignoré x ignoré x occupation WifefatherResidence ignoré x ignoré x home WifeFatherComment ignoré x ignoré x father's commentary WifeMotherLastName ignoré x ignoré x Mother of wife or speaker n°2 WifeMotherFirstName ignoré x ignoré x firstname WifeMotherAge ignoré x ignoré x age WifeMotherDead ignoré x ignoré x deceased or not WifeMotherOccupation ignoré x ignoré x occupation WifeMotherResidence ignoré x ignoré x home WifeMotherComment ignoré x ignoré x mother's commentary Witness1LastName x x x x witness n°1 or godfather Witness1FirstName x x x x firstname Witness1Occupation x x x x occupation Witness1Comment x x x x comment from the witness or godfather Witness2LastName x x x x witness n°2 or godmother Witness2FirstName x x x x firstname Witness2Occupation x x x x occupation Witness2Comment x x x x comment from the witness or godmother Witness3LastName x x x x witness n°3 Witness3FirstName x x x x firstname Witness3Occupation x x x x occupation Witness3Comment x x x x witness's comment Witness4LastName x x x x witness n°4 Witness4FirstName x x x x firstname Witness4Occupation x x x x occupation Witness4Comment x x x x witness's comment GeneralComment x x x x general comment NIMEGUE format
The four types of statements have different formats.
- Birth rows contain 30 columns
- The wedding rows contain 60 columns
- The death rows contain 38 columns.
- Rows for miscellaneous acts contain 64 columns
The fields are separated by a semicolon. The last field of the line is always followed by a semicolon. Lines are separated by 2 characters x0A x0D If the semicolon separator character is present inside a field, it is replaced by a period when writing to the file because Nimegue does not support the RFC 4180 recommendation.
Column Birth Marriage Death Miscellaneous Description Importing in Ancestris "NIMEGUEV3" x x x x Mandatory CityCode x x x x ignored CityName x x x x CountyCode x x x x Ancestris uses CountyCode if CountyName is empty CountyName x x x x EventType "N" "M" "D" "V" Mandatory Cannot be empty Date x x x x IncompletDate x x x x Cote x x x x Freecomment x x x x EventTypeName x EventTypeTag x IndiLastName x x x x IndiFirstName x x x x IndiSex x x x IndiPlace x x x IndiBirthDate x x x IndiAge x x x IndiComment x x x x IndiOccupation x x x IndiMarriedLastName x x x ex-spouse IndiMarriedFirstName x x x IndiMarriedComment x x x IndiMarriedOccupation x IndiFatherLastName x x x x IndiFatherFirstName x x x x IndiFatherComment x x x x IndiFatherOccupation x x x x IndiMotherLastName x x x x IndiMotherFirstName x x x x IndiMotherComment x x x x IndiMotherOccupation x x x x WifeLastName x x WifeFirstName x x WifeSex x WifePlace x x WifeBirthDate x x WifeAge x x WifeComment x x WifeOccupation x x WifeMarriedLastName x x ex-spouse WifeMarriedFirstName x x WifeMarriedComment x x WifeFatherLastName x x WifeFatherFirstName x x WifeFatherComment x x WifeFatherOccupation x x WifeMotherLastName x x WifeMotherFirstName x x WifeMotherComment x x WifeMotherOccupation x x Witness1LastName x x x x witness n°1 or godfather Witness1FirstName x x x x Witness1Comment x x x x Witness2LastName x x x x witness n°2 or godmother Witness2FirstName x x x x Witness2Comment x x x x Witness3LastName x x Witness3FirstName x x Witness3Comment x x Witness4LastName x x Witness4FirstName x x Witness4Comment x x GeneralComment x x x x RecordNo x x x x register's number EGMT format
All four types of statements have the same format: the lines consist of 44 fields separated by a semicolon. The contents of the fields are encoded inUTF-8 format.
If the semicolon separator character is present within a field, the field is enclosed in quotation marks when writing to the file. Similarly, if the quote character is present inside a field, a second quote is added after it (see RFC 4180).
Some fields are ignored when Ancestris reads the file, see the table below.
Tip: It is possible to create a file in EGMT format with a spreadsheet program to, for example, reuse data already entered with a spreadsheet program.
- create a table of 44 columns with the spreadsheet program
- fill in the columns according to the definition below. It is possible to leave cells empty except for the first column.
- save data in CSV or TXT format (with semicolon as cell separator)
Column Birth Marriage Death Miscellaneous Comment EventType "birth" "marriage" "death" "marriage contract" "will"
Event type (mandatory) CountyCode x x x x county code CityName x x city name ParishName x x x x parish name if there is more than one in the city NotaryName ignored ignored ignored x Cote x x x x PhotoNo x x x x photo number Day x x x x Month x x x x Year x x x x IndiLastName x x x x IndiFirstName x x x x IndiSex x x x x IndiAge ignored x x x IndiPlace ignored x x x IndiComment x x x x Writing: ancestris adds the date of birth, occupation and information on the former spouse (for a marriage, death or miscellaneous record). IndiFatherFirstName x x x x Reading: Ancestris uses the same name as the son (IndiLastName) IndiFatherDead x x x x IndiFatherComment x x x x Writing: Ancestris adds occupation IndiMotherLastName x x x x IndiMotherFirstName x x x x IndiMotherDead x x x x IndiMotherComment x x x x Writing: Ancestris adds profession WifeLastName ignored x x x WifeFirstName ignored x x x WifeDead ignored x x x WifeAge ignored x x x WifePlace ignored x ignored x WifeComment ignored x x x Writing: Ancestris adds the date of birth, profession and information on the former spouse (for a marriage, death or miscellaneous record). WifeFatherFirstName ignored x ignored x Reading: Ancestris uses the same name as the girl (WifeLastName) WifeFatherDead ignored x ignored x WifeFatherComment ignored x ignored x WifeMotherLastName ignored x ignored x WifeMotherFirstName ignored x ignored x WifeMotherDead ignored x ignored x WifeMotherComment ignored x ignored x Heirs ignored ignored ignored x heirs
Reading: Ancestris adds this field in the general comment (GeneralComment)
Witness1LastName x x x x witness n°1 or godfather Witness1FirstName x x x x Witness1Comment x x x x Witness2LastName x x x x witness n°2 or godmother Witness2FirstName x x x x Witness2Comment x x x x GeneralComment x x x x Writing: Ancestris adds the 3rd and 4th witnesses