Install and start Ancestris
ReadLæs licenselicensen andog user rightsbrugerrettigheder
Ancestris iser freeet software,gratis licensedprogram under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3.
Ancestris iser aet freegratis genealogyslægtsforskningsprogram program, formed unlimitedubegrænset time usagetidsforbrug, and anog unlimitedubegrænset numberantal ofaf individualspersoner i din slægtsforskning.
ItDet iser madeskabt availabletil todig you byaf volunteersfrivillige.
Check ourden requiredkrævede configurationopsætning
Ancestris worksvirker onpå allalle latestnyere MacOS,MacOS versioner, Windows andog Linux platfoms.platfom.IfHvis Ancestris doesikke notstarter start,eller orviser showsen thefejl Ancestrisog splashstopper, screenhar anddet stops,sandsynligvis itat isgøre most generally related to an issue with themed Java installation.installationen.
ToFor useat bruge Ancestris, itkræver isdet, requiredat tofølgende haveer the following configuration:opfyldt:
- Java version 8
oreller version 11.WeVicanunderstøtteronly supportkun LTSversionsversionerofafjavaJavaevenselvthoughom Ancestrismightmåskeproperlykanworkvirkewithmedotherandreversionsversioner (12totil 15). - 2 Gb RAM
- 200 Mb
oftilgængeligavailableharddiskdisk spaceplads AEnbigskærmopløsningenoughpåscreen,minimum 1920 x 1080minimum recommendedanbefales
Java iser a prerequisite nødvendigt
ToFor useat bruge Ancestris, youskal need todu have Java installed on your system.installeret.
MostDe offleste theaf AncestrisAncestris' featuresfunktioner areer compatiblekompatible with med Java Version 11 andog Java Version 8 (akaogså kaldet Version 1.8).
ToFor identifyat whichidentificere hvilken Java version isdu installedhar, onse your system, otherandre Java versionsversioner, available,se howhvordan todu swapskifter betweenmellem Java versions,versioner, oreller theser JavaJavas technicaltekniske requirements,krav, check outdenne theside: Java installation page.
IfHvis youdu needhar detailedbrug installationfor steps,detaljeres wehjælp providetil youinstallation, withanbefaler avi step-by-stepat guidedu correspondingfølger toden yourvejledning, systemder :passer til dit system:
✔ Step-by-stepTrin-for-trin installationinstallationsguide guide fortil MacOS
✔ Step-by-stepTrin-for-trin installationinstallationsguide guide oftil version 10 fortil Windows
✔ Step-by-stepTrin-for-trin installationinstallationsguide guide oftil version 11 fortil Windows
WhatHer followsfølger iset thegenerelt generaloverblik overviewover ofinstallationen the installation and theog links intil caseeksempler ofpå troublesproblemer oreller totil changeændre launch settings.startinstillingerne.
GoGå totil Download on thepå Ancestris sitehjemmesiden
Ancestris cankan bedownloades downloadedgratis forpå free on our page hjemmesiden via themenuen DOWNLOAD option.DOWNLOAD.
ChooseVælg yourdin Ancestris version
TwoTo versionsversioner areer available.tilgængelige.
Choose theVælgstableifhvisyouduarevilaiminghavefor stabilitystabilitetandogdoikkenotbehøverneeddetoallernyestebenefit from the latest developments.opdateringerChooseVælgthedailyversion 11ifmedyoudagligewishopdateringertoogbenefitdefromallernyestethe latest functionalitiesfunktioner.
AllAlle versionsversioner workvirker onpå anyalle deviceplatforme, undersom anykan operatingbenytte system that can use Java.Java!
AllAlle versionsversioner workvirker withpå allalle existingeksisterende translations.sprog
AllAlle versionsversioner areer fullfulde versionsversioner andmed allowubegrænset unlimited usage.forbrug
Download Ancestris
ThisDette shows theviser Download sectionsektionen of thepå Ancestris site.hjemmesiden.
ClickKlikonpåtheknappen med den Ancestrisversionversion,buttonderofpasseryourtiloperatingditsystemsystem:- MacOS
- Windows
oreller Linux.HoveringHviloverpå Ancestris 10,aog en menuwillvilappearfremkomme,wherehvoryouducankanpickvælgeoneenofafthefølgendefollowing distributions :distributioner: Fedora, Redhat, Mandriva, Ubuntu, Mint, Debian,orelleraengeneric ZIP file.ZIP-fil.
TheDendownloadeddownloadedefilefilwillvilbepassespecifictiltodettheoperativsystemoperatingdusystem you choosevælgerFollowFølgthedestepstrinsuggestedderbyfremkommeryouri din Internet browserandogsavegemthe filefilenTheDendownloaddownloadewillfiltakehendesapåfewfåminutesminutter,anddenwillfylderresult in a file of aboutca. 86 Mb.
ThisHer iser anet exampleeksempel withmed Ancestris 10 fortil Windows.
ThisDette iser anet exampleeksempel withmed Ancestris 11 fortilMacOS Windows or foreller Linux.
ChooseVælg Ancestris foldermappen
AtEfter thedownload endlægges offilerne thei download,din the'download-mappe'. fileSom willregel bemappen placedOverførsler, inhvis yourdu defaultbruger download folder.Windows..
IfHvis youdu don'tikke knowkan whatfinde thisfilen, folder is,så check yourdin Internetinternet browser'sbrowsers settingsopsætning oreller elseklik clickpå ondownload-ikonet thei downloaded icon of yourdin browser.
FromFra thatdenne folder,mappe feelkan freedu toflytte movemappen thehvorhen downloadeddu filevil whereverpå youdin want on your computer.pc.
Start Ancestris
TheMåden wayat tostarte startAncestris Ancestris på slightlyafhænger differsaf dependingdit on the OS system you have.styresystem.
Ancestris's filesfilerne willvil beligge insidei theen resultingAncestris-mappe.
Se ancestrisfolder. Refer to thesiden Software filesProgramfiler pagefor toat havese theet detaileddetaljeret viewbillede ofaf the Ancestris ancestris folder.mappen.
ToStart startAncestris: Ancestris, runDobbeltklik thepå downloadedden filedownloadede orfil elseog runvælg the executable in the bin folder that corresponds to the operating system you are using.Kør.
- MacOS :
justKlikclickpåondenthedownloadededownloadedfilfileforandatAncestrisstartewill start.Ancestris. - Windows:
:Versionfor10:versionDobbeltklik10,påjustdendouble-clickdownloadedeonexe-fil.theInstallationsprogrammetdownloadedvilexehjælpefiledigAncestris10Setup.exe.medThisinstallationeninstallation programme will assist you in the installation ofaf Ancestrisandogitvilwillogsåalsolæggecreateenthegenvejlauncherpåicon.skrivebordet. For version 11,runkørthei stedet filen ancestris64.exefileiinmappenthe bin folder.'bin. - Linux :
unzipudpakthefilernearchiveoganddobbeltklikthen double-click on thepå 'ancestris'-filenfileiofmappenthe bin folder.'bin'.
RegardlessUanset of thehvilken version, herefår isdu whatdette you will see when Ancestris is started.startbillede:
IfHvis youdu needhar detailedbehov installationfor steps,detaljeret pleaseinstallationshjælp, readså thelæs step-by-steptrin-for-trin guideguiderne below corresponding to your system :nedenfor:
✔ Step-by-stepTrin-for-trin installationinstallationsguide guide fortil MacOS
✔ Step-by-stepTrin-for-trin installationinstallationsguide guide oftil version 10 fortil Windows
✔ Step-by-stepTrin-fortrin installationinstallationsguide guide oftil version 11 fortil Windows
IfHvis Ancestris doesikke not startstarter, oreller showsviser theet Ancestrisfejlbillede, splashskyldes screendet andsandsynligvis stops,problemer itmed is most generally related to an issue with thedin Java installation. EitherEnten er Java isikke not installedinstalleret oreller Ancestris doeskan notikke findfinde itJava oreller findsfinder anen incompatibleversion, versionder ikke kan bruges oreller findsfinder aen corrupteddefekt version. Please check theBesøg Java installation pageinstallationssiden forefter help.hjælp.
Shortcut iconGenvej
IfHvis youdu needvil tooprette customizeen agenvej shortcut with a nice icon to starttil Ancestris programmet, pleaseså check yourdit operatingoperativsystems system'svejledning documentationi, onhvordan howman togør createdet, it,og andbrug feelgerne freedet toinkluderede useAncestris thesymbol, includedsom imagefælger filemed ancestris.gif provided within the softwares files. programfilerne.ForTil MacOS, seese thedenne step-by-steptrin-for-trin guide.ForTil Windows, seese thedenne step-by-steptrin-for-trin guide.ForTil Linux, thereder areer severalflere ofprocedurer thesefor procedures,dette, andsom quiteer differentret fromforskellig onefra system totil another.system.
Launch settingsStartopsætning
YouDu cankan personalise the wayopsætte Ancestris startstil suchat ashuske thedin memoryforetrukne allocationopsætning. forSe instance.hvordan Ini case you need to personalise the way Ancestris is launched, please refer to theAncestry Launch settings pageStartopsætningsside.
User settingsBrugerindstillinger
IfHvis youdu arevil interestedvide, inhvordan knowing where thedine user settings filesbrugerindstillinger are,er, pleaseså refer to these SoftwareProgram andog userbrugerindstillinger settings files pagesiden.