Step-by-step installation on Windows
This page shows step-by-step how to install Ancestris on a Windows system.
The sections below are independent and do not all need to be done.
Screens shown might look different from those of the current Ancestris web site or the current Ancestris software version.
Knowing which Java version you use
Java Control Panel
Open the Windows Control Panel and then the Java Control Panel.
On its General tab, click 'About' to check the installed Java version.
On its Security tab, untick 'Enable Java content for browsers and Web Start applications' to improve security.
Command prompt
Alternatively, these steps let you identify which version of Java is running on your system.
1 - Open a Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell commandwindow lineand enter CMD
or open a Command Prompt window.
2 - Type java -version
in at the promp.prompt. You will obtain a display as below, which shows that Java Version 8 (aka 1.8) 64-Bit is installed. Otherwise, it means java is not installed. Follow these instructions to install it.
java version "1.8.0_221"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_221-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.221-b11, mixed mode)
3 - Type
once or twice to close the command window. exit
Install Ancestris version 10 or 11
Follow the instructions below from your Windows system.
1/6 - Download Ancestris
- Go to
- Click on 'DOWNLOAD' in the Menu
- Then click on 'Windows'
forto download version 10 - Or scroll down to the Daily version panel and click on the 'DOWNLOAD'
tobuttonstartfordownloading.version 11 - Downloading may take 2 to 3 minutes as it is about 78
2/6 - Extract the Ancestris file
- Ancestris does not need to be installed as it runs directly from its
file. - So right-click the downloaded
'file, choose 'Extract All' and select a destination folder where the.exe
file can run. - On Windows 7, unzip into the
'C:\Program Files
'folder otherwise Ancestris won't run.
3/6 - Check the Ancestris file to run
- In the destination folder, open the
'folder and then the'bin
'folder; there the'ancestris64.exe
'file will run Ancestris on a 64-bit system, while the'ancestris.exe
'file will run it on a 32-bit system.
4/6 - Add an Ancestris shorcutshortcut
- Right-click on the
'file and choose 'Pin to Start' or 'Pin to taskbar' to add a shortcut to the Start menu or the Taskbar.
- Then set the icon of the resulting Ancestris shortcut. For that, you need to right-click on the shortcut and replace the icon with the
5/6 - Click the shortcut and Ancestris then starts.starts
6/6 - The Welcome screens then appears. You are now ready to use Ancestris.
In caseIf Ancestris does not start, it might be related to a javaJava version issue. You may have to swap javathe Java version.
Please follow these instructions.