Registers records - Appendix (L)
Mapping between register and Gedcom data
Case of a birth
Birth certificate | Individual | ||
IndiFirstName |
INDI:NAME | Optional | replaces the name and lastname of the individual with the name in the |
IndiSex | INDI:SEX | Optional | |
IndiBirthDate | INDI:BIRT:DATE | Mandatory | |
IndiPlace | INDI:BIRT:PLAC | Optional | |
IndiComment | INDI:NOTE | Optional | |
IndiFatherFirstName |
father:NAME | Optional | If
IndiFatherOccupation | father:OCCU | Optional | |
IndiFatherComment |
father:NOTE | Optional | |
IndiMotherFirstName |
mother:NAME | Optional | |
IndiMotherOccupation | mother:OCCU | Optional | |
IndiMotherComment |
mother:NOTE | Optional | |
INDI:BIRT:NOTE | Optional | |
EventPlace | INDI:BIRT:SOUR | Mandatory | |
Cote | SOUR:REFN | Optional | |
Photo | INDI:BIRT:SOUR:NOTE | Optional | |
Parish | INDI:BIRT:SOUR:NOTE | Optional |
Case of a marriage
<To be completed>
Case of an event of a death
<To be completed>
Case of a miscellaneous act
<To be completed>
Import and export file format
All four types of statements have the same format: the lines consist of 82 fields separated by a semicolon. The contents of the fields are encoded in UTF-8 format. Each line ends with the separator "\r\n" (end of line in Windows format).
If the semicolon separator character is present inside a field, the field is enclosed in quotation marks when writing to the file. In the same way, if the quote character is present inside a field, a second quote is added after it (see RFC 4180).
Some fields are ignored when Ancestris reads the file depending on the type of event, see the table below.
Tip: It is possible to create a file in Ancestris format with a spreadsheet program to, for example, reuse data already entered with a spreadsheet program.
- create a table of 90 columns with the spreadsheet program
- put ANCESTRISV4 in the first column of all rows
- fill in the other columns as defined below. It is possible to leave cells empty except for the 1st and 8th columns.
- save data in CSV or TXT format (with semicolon as cell separator)
Column | Birth | Marriage | Death | Miscellaneous | Comment |
"ANCESTRISV4" | x | x | x | x | version |
CityName | x | x | x | x | |
CityCode | city code |
CountyName | x | x | x | x | |
StateName | x | x | x | x | |
CountryName | x | x | x | x | |
ParishName | x | x | x | x | |
EventType | "N" | "M" | "D" | "V" | event type |
EventTypeTag | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | |
EventTypeName | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | |
EventDate | x | x | x | x | event date |
SecondDate | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | date |
Cote | x | x | x | x | |
Freecomment | x | x | x | x | |
Notary | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | |
IndiLastName | x | x | x | x |
if |
IndiFirstName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiSex | x | x | x | x | |
IndiAge | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiBirthDate | x | x | x | x | date |
IndiBirthPlace | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiOccupation | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiResidence | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiComment | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMarriedLastName | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiMarriedFirstName | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiMarriedSex | ignoré | x | x | x | Ancestris |
IndiMarriedDead | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiMarriedOccupation | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiMariedResidence | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiMarriedComment | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiFatherLastName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFatherFirstName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFatherAge | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFatherDead | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFatherOccupation | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFatherResidence | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFatherComment | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherLastName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherFirstName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherAge | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherDead | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherOccupation | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherResidence | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherComment | x | x | x | x | |
WifeLastName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | épouse ( mariage ) ou intervenant n°2 (acte divers) |
WifeFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | prénom |
WifeSex | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | sexe |
WifeAge | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | âge |
WifeBirthDate | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | date de naissance |
WifePlace | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | lieu de naissance ou origine |
WifeOccupation | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | profession |
WifeResidence | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | domicile |
WifeComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | commentaire de l'épouse ou de l'intervenant n°2 |
WifeMarriedLastName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | Ex-conjoint de la femme ou de l'intervenant n°2 |
WifeMarriedFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | prénom |
WifeMarriedSex | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | Ancestris renseigne WifeMarriedSex avec le sexe opposé de WifeSex |
WifeMarriedDead | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | décédé ou non |
WifeMarriedOccupation | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | profession |
WifeMarriedResidence | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | domicile |
WifeMarriedComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | commentaire de l'ex-conjoint de la femme ou de l'intervenant n°2 |
WifeFatherLastName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | Père de l'épouse ou de l'intervenant n°2 |
WifeFatherFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | prénom |
WifeFatherAge | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | âge |
WifeFatherDead | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | décédé ou non |
WifeFatherOccupation | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | profession |
WifefatherResidence | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | domicile |
WifeFatherComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | commentaire du père |
WifeMotherLastName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | Mère de l'épouse ou de l'intervenant n°2 |
WifeMotherFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | prénom |
WifeMotherAge | ignoré | x | ignoré | x
âge |
WifeMotherDead | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | décédée ou non |
WifeMotherOccupation | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | profession |
WifeMotherResidence | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | domicile |
WifeMotherComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | commentaire de la mère |
Witness1LastName | x | x | x | x | témoin n°1 ou parrain |
Witness1FirstName | x | x | x | x | prénom |
Witness1Occupation | x | x | x | x | profession |
Witness1Comment | x | x | x | x | commentaire du témoin ou parrain |
Witness2LastName | x | x | x | x | témoin n°2 ou marraine |
Witness2FirstName | x | x | x | x | prénom |
Witness2Occupation | x | x | x | x | profession |
Witness2Comment | x | x | x | x | commentaire du témoin ou marraine |
Witness3LastName | x | x | x | x | témoin n°3 |
Witness3FirstName | x | x | x | x | prénom |
Witness3Occupation | x | x | x | x | profession |
Witness3Comment | x | x | x | x | commentaire du témoin |
Witness4LastName | x | x | x | x | témoin n°4 |
Witness4FirstName | x | x | x | x | prénom |
Witness4Occupation | x | x | x | x | profession |
Witness4Comment | x | x | x | x | commentaire du témoin |
GeneralComment | x | x | x | x | commentaire général |
RecordNo | x | x | x | x | numéro du relevé |
NIMEGUE format
The four types of statements have different formats.
- Birth rows contain 30 columns
- The wedding rows contain 60 columns
- The death rows contain 38 columns.
- Rows for miscellaneous acts contain 64 columns
The fields are separated by a semicolon. The last field of the line is always followed by a semicolon. Lines are separated by 2 characters x0A x0D If the semicolon separator character is present inside a field, it is replaced by a period when writing to the file because Nimegue does not support the RFC 4180 recommendation.
Column | Birth | Marriage | Death | Miscellaneous | Description | Importing in Ancestris |
"NIMEGUEV3" | x | x | x | x | Mandatory | |
CityCode | x | x | x | x | ignoré | |
CityName | x | x | x | x | ||
CountyCode | x | x | x | x | Ancestris utilise CountyCode si CountyName est vide | |
CountyName | x | x | x | x | ||
EventType | "N" | "M" | "D" | "V" | Mandatory | ne doit pas être vide |
Date | x | x | x | x | ||
IncompletDate | x | x | x | x | ||
Cote | x | x | x | x | ||
Freecomment | x | x | x | x | ||
EventTypeName | x | |||||
EventTypeTag | x | |||||
IndiLastName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiFirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiSex | x | x | x | |||
IndiPlace | x | x | x | |||
IndiBirthDate | x | x | x | |||
IndiAge | x | x | x | |||
IndiComment | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiOccupation | x | x | x | |||
IndiMarriedLastName | x | x | x | ex-conjoint | ||
IndiMarriedFirstName | x | x | x | |||
IndiMarriedComment | x | x | x | |||
IndiMarriedOccupation | x | |||||
IndiFatherLastName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiFatherFirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiFatherComment | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiFatherOccupation | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiMotherLastName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiMotherFirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiMotherComment | x | x | x | x | ||
IndiMotherOccupation | x | x | x | x | ||
WifeLastName | x | x | ||||
WifeFirstName | x | x | ||||
WifeSex | x | |||||
WifePlace | x | x | ||||
WifeBirthDate | x | x | ||||
WifeAge | x | x | ||||
WifeComment | x | x | ||||
WifeOccupation | x | x | ||||
WifeMarriedLastName | x | x | ex-conjoint | |||
WifeMarriedFirstName | x | x | ||||
WifeMarriedComment | x | x | ||||
WifeFatherLastName | x | x | ||||
WifeFatherFirstName | x | x | ||||
WifeFatherComment | x | x | ||||
WifeFatherOccupation | x | x | ||||
WifeMotherLastName | x | x | ||||
WifeMotherFirstName | x | x | ||||
WifeMotherComment | x | x | ||||
WifeMotherOccupation | x | x | ||||
Witness1LastName | x | x | x | x | témoin n°1 ou parrain | |
Witness1FirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
Witness1Comment | x | x | x | x | ||
Witness2LastName | x | x | x | x | témoin n°2 ou marraine | |
Witness2FirstName | x | x | x | x | ||
Witness2Comment | x | x | x | x | ||
Witness3LastName | x | x | ||||
Witness3FirstName | x | x | ||||
Witness3Comment | x | x | ||||
Witness4LastName | x | x | ||||
Witness4FirstName | x | x | ||||
Witness4Comment | x | x | ||||
GeneralComment | x | x | x | x | ||
RecordNo | x | x | x | x | numéro de relevé |
EGMT format
All four types of statements have the same format: the lines consist of 44 fields separated by a semicolon. The contents of the fields are encoded inUTF-8 format.
If the semicolon separator character is present within a field, the field is enclosed in quotation marks when writing to the file. Similarly, if the quote character is present inside a field, a second quote is added after it (see RFC 4180).
Some fields are ignored when Ancestris reads the file, see the table below.
Tip: It is possible to create a file in EGMT format with a spreadsheet program to, for example, reuse data already entered with a spreadsheet program.
- create a table of 44 columns with the spreadsheet program
- fill in the columns according to the definition below. It is possible to leave cells empty except for the first column.
- save data in CSV or TXT format (with semicolon as cell separator)
Column | Birth | Marriage | Death | Miscellaneous | Comment |
EventType | "naissance" | "mariage" | "décès" | "contrat de mariage"
"testament" |
Type d'événement (mandatory) |
CountyCode | x | x | x | x | numéro de département |
CityName | x | x | nom de la commune | ||
ParishName | x | x | x | x | nom de la paroisse s'il y en a plusieurs dans la commune |
NotaryName | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | |
Cote | x | x | x | x | |
PhotoNo | x | x | x | x | numéro de photo |
Day | x | x | x | x | |
Month | x | x | x | x | |
Year | x | x | x | x | |
IndiLastName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFirstName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiSex | x | x | x | x | |
IndiAge | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiPlace | ignoré | x | x | x | |
IndiComment | x | x | x | x | Ecriture : ancestris ajoute la date de naissance, la profession et les informations sur l'ex-conjoint ( pour un relevé de mariage, décès ou divers) |
IndiFatherFirstName | x | x | x | x | Lecture : Ancestris utilise le même nom que le fils (IndiLastName) |
IndiFatherDead | x | x | x | x | |
IndiFatherComment | x | x | x | x | Ecriture : ancestris ajoute la profession |
IndiMotherLastName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherFirstName | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherDead | x | x | x | x | |
IndiMotherComment | x | x | x | x | Ecriture : ancestris ajoute la profession |
WifeLastName | ignoré | x | x | x | |
WifeFirstName | ignoré | x | x | x | |
WifeDead | ignoré | x | x | x | |
WifeAge | ignoré | x | x | x | |
WifePlace | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | |
WifeComment | ignoré | x | x | x | Ecriture : ancestris ajoute la date de naissance,la profession et les informations sur l'ex-conjoint ( pour un relevé de mariage, décès ou divers) |
WifeFatherFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | Lecture : Ancestris utilise le même nom que la fille (WifeLastName) |
WifeFatherDead | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | |
WifeFatherComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | |
WifeMotherLastName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | |
WifeMotherFirstName | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | |
WifeMotherDead | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | |
WifeMotherComment | ignoré | x | ignoré | x | |
Heirs | ignoré | ignoré | ignoré | x | héritiers
Lecture : Ancestris ajoute ce champ dans le commentaire général (GeneralComment) |
Witness1LastName | x | x | x | x | témoin n°1 ou parrain |
Witness1FirstName | x | x | x | x | |
Witness1Comment | x | x | x | x | |
Witness2LastName | x | x | x | x | témoin N°2 ou marraine |
Witness2FirstName | x | x | x | x | |
Witness2Comment | x | x | x | x | |
GeneralComment | x | x | x | x |
Ecriture : Ancestris ajoute les 3e et 4e témoins |