Modify genealogy properties
This wizardwindow allows you to modify the characteristics,description, orthe properties,main language and the author of eachany genealogy file, which at Ancestris is a file in Gedcom format.
ThisThe wizarddescription guides you step by step in modifying or not each of these properties.
This wizard allows you to manageand the formatmain of the place names, in particular to format all the place names in a single operation
This wizard allows you to manage the location and format of the media file name used by genealogy, in particular to format them in a single operation and to find lost files in different directories.
These properties are all defined in the Gedcom standard and some are mandatory.
All theselanguage properties are saved in the header of the Gedcom file. The author information is stored in a Submitter entity. They are therefore specific to each genealogy.
Note that theother headerinformation of athe Gedcom file header can be updated using some other items choices of the File menu (place, conversion). The header might also includes technical datainformation which isare ofnot no interestpossible to youmodify avia prioriAncestris such as the software name and which the wizardlast thereforemodification doestime not suggest you modify.
Properties offeredthan bycan thebe wizardmodified
- Description of genealogy
AuthorMainoflanguagethe genealogyLanguage of the information providedused in the genealogyAlphabet used (accented characters, several languages alphabets at the same time for places or surnames, etc.)Desired Gedcom standard 5.5 or 5.5.1, for geo-coordinates for exampleFormat of place names: what address elements (city, postal code, country, etc.) and in what order to name the placesMedia location, and recovery of lost mediaInformation relating to the software that recorded the genealogy and timestampAuthor of thelast record. For information onlygenealogy
What follows is the detail of the stepspanels proposed by the wizardwindow to modify these properties.
All the following modifications do not apply in your Gedcom file until the end of the process, following a request for final confirmation. No risk of undergoing changes along the way.
Conversely, if you do not complete the wizard, none of the changes will be made and you will have to start all over.
This screenpanel is used to verifyprovide and modify the name of your genealogy file and its location on disk, to be sure you are editing the correct file.
As shown in the screen, the namedescription of the genealogy in the file may be different from the name of the file itself. This is because you were able to copy and rename the file outside of Ancestris. Anyway, Ancestris replaces this name at each recording by that of the recorded file.
In this screen, you can also update the description of your genealogy.
This screen displays the first information provider found in the Gedcom file. It is generally the author of the genealogy.
You can update the contact details.
Button stores the coordinates if you want to reuse them in another Gedcom file.
Button copies the coordinates already memorized before. If coordinates have not been stored, those displayed are erased.
Writing data
This screen is technical but important because it possibly allows to correct parameters on how to write data in the Gedcom file.
Gedcom standard
The first point concerns the Gedcom standard of the file.
Ancestris can manage the two current versions, 5.5 and 5.5.1.
Ancestris can convert your genealogy file from 5.5 to 5.5.1 and vice versa.
If you change the standard indicated in your file, Ancestris will ask you via the "Convert" checkbox, if you want Ancestris to perform the corresponding transformations.
Moreover, if you upgrade from version 5.5 to 5.5.1, Ancestris will additionally ask you if you want to put the media in Multimedia Entity.
We recommend that you check both boxes.
A message at the bottom of the wizard alerts you to this conversion.
Using accented characters
The next point concerns the ability to display accented characters.
We recommend that you use UTF-8 encoding which covers most cases.
You may have in your possession Gedcom files with ANSI or ANSEL encoding. We suggest you change it.
Language and Usage
These other two settings do not have any impact on you in general, but Ancestris allows you to change them in case you want to exchange or receive Gedcom files from all over the world.