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Edit Menu

This menu displaysregroups all the actions usedto make global changes to modify your genealogical data : undo /undo, redo, cutcut, / copy /copy, paste, findfind, / replace /replace, delete, numbering.numbering, mark.


Each of these actions is described below. 

TheWhen actionsthe inaction needhas ofits moreown deeperdescription explanationspage will- haveit ais dedicatedbold page,- thatclick youon canit findto ahead.get all the details about it.


UndoUndoes the last change that was made to the selected Gedcom file.

It is possible to undo up to 10 modifications. This parameter can be changed underin Preferences,Preferences, EditingEditing, tab, Maximum number of cancellations.

TheThis optionmenu item is only available if there arewhen unsaved changes made.have been made and are not saved yet.

It is not possible to undo saved changes. But, it is always possible to restore a backup!backup copy.


RedoRedoes the last modification previously undone on the selected Gedcom file.

It is possible to redo all undone actions.modifications.

This action is only available if at least one modification has been made.cancelled.


DeleteDeletes the selected text after putting a copy on the clipboard.

The text can thanthen be pasted elsewhere.somewhere else.

This actionmenu item is only available forwhen the cursor is in a text fields.field.


CopyCopies the selected text to the clipboard.

The text can thanthen be pasted elsewhere.somewhere else.

This actionmenu item is only available forwhen the cursor is in a text fields.field.


PastePastes the clipboard contentscontent onat the cursor position, onin a text field.

This can be a content from another software, something copied from the Internet, etc..

This actionmenu item is only available forwhen the cursor is in a text fields.field.


OpenOpens aan wizardassistant to help you find a string of characters, no matter ifwhere it is in the genealogical file, anywhere in the file or onat a specific location, likesuch :as an specific entity types,or

Replace ...

OpenOpens aan wizardassistant to help you , in combination with the search function above, replace a string of characters with otheranother one anywhere in the genealogical file. It works in combination with the Find function above.


DeleteDeletes a data typeelement globally through outthroughout the genealogy. This is particularly useful to delete empty data.

Generate Sosa NumberingNumbers

Allows to generate or deleteGenerates Sosa, d'Aboville or Sosa d'Aboville numbering for a chosen individual.individual or deletes numbering for the whole genealogy.

ModificationsGenerate ID Numbers

Generates or modifies Identification numbers, globally or one by one.

Mark special individuals

Marks or displays certain special individuals in your genealogy such as implex families, top individuals, multiple ancestors, Y-DNA or mtDNA individuals.

See modifications history

Open a window displayingDisplays all the changes made to a Gedcom file.

If needed, the list of changes can be cleared by clicking on  button-clear-history.png.