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Edit Menu

This menu regroups all the actions to make global changes to your genealogical data: undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, find, replace, delete, numbering, mark.


Each of these actions is described below.

When the action has its own description page - it is bold - click on it to get all the details about it.


Undoes the last change that was made to the selected Gedcom file.

It is possible to undo up to 10 modifications. This parameter can be changed in Preferences, Editing, Maximum number of of cancellations.

This menu item is only available when unsaved changes have been made and are not saved yet.

It is not possible to undo saved changes. But, it is always possible to restore a backup copy.


Redoes the last modification previously undone on the selected Gedcom file.

It is possible to redo all undone modifications.

This action is only available if at least one modification has been cancelled.



Deletes the selected text after putting a copy on the clipboard.

The text can then be pasted somewhere else.

This menu item is only available when the cursor is in a text field.


Copies the selected text to the clipboard.

The text can then be pasted somewhere else.

This menu item is only available when the cursor is in a text field.


Pastes the clipboard content at the cursor position, in a text field.

This can be a content from another software, something copied from the Internet, etc.

This menu item is only available when the cursor is in a text field.



Opens an assistant to help you find a string of characters, no matter where it is in the genealogical file, anywhere in the file or at a specific location, such as an specific entity or property.

Replace ...

Opens an assistant to help you replace a string of characters with another one anywhere in the genealogical file. It works in combination with the Find function above.


Deletes a data element globally throughout the genealogy. This is particularly useful to delete empty data.


Generate Sosa Numbers

Generates Sosa, d'Aboville or Sosa d'Aboville numbering for a chosen individual or deletes numbering for the whole genealogy.

Generate ID Numbers

Generates or modifies Identification numbers, globally or one by one.

Mark special individuals

Marks or displays certain special individuals in your genealogy such as implex families, top individuals, multiple ancestors, Y-DNA or mtDNA individuals.

Calculate ages

Calculates ages of all the individuals at their respective life events.

Sort properties for all entities

Sorts all properties of all entities according to a relevant and consistent order. It directly updates the genealogy. The result can only be seen from the Gedcom editor. No window appears as no settings are required.

Uppercase names

Put all individual names to uppercase.

See modifications history

Displays all changes made to a Gedcom file.

If needed, the list of changes can be cleared by clicking on on  button-clear-history.png.