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AnUna entityentidad inen theel estándar Gedcom standardes isun componente genealógico principal, como un individuo, una familia, una fuente de información o una nota. También puede ser un objeto multimedia, como un vídeo o un registro de audio.

En un archivo Gedcom, una entidad es un registro identificado por un número de identificación y un grupo de etiquetas que especifican sus características.

Las diversas características genealógicas asociadas a mainuna genealogicalentidad componentse such as an individual, a family, a source of information or a note. It can also be an multimedia object such as a video or a audio record.

In a Gedcom file, an entity is a record identified by an identification number and a group of tags specifying its characteristics.

The various genealogical characteristics associated with an entity are calleddenominan propertiespropiedades: birth,nacimiento, marriage,matrimonio, date,fecha, place,lugar, event,acontecimiento, text,texto, address,dirección, etc.

Ancestris followssigue theel estándar Gedcom standardlo asmás closelyfielmente asposible possibley andutiliza useslos themismos sameconceptos conceptsde ofentidad entityy and property.propiedad.

TheLa organizationorganización ofde informationla forinformación eachde entitycada followsentidad thesigue precisela grammargramática ofprecisa thedel standard.estándar. ThisEsta grammargramática providesofrece severalvarias posibilidades possibilitiespara toalmacenar storela theinformación. information.Para Tover seeestas thesedistintas variousposibilidades possibilities inen Ancestris, useutilice theel editor Gedcom editor.


TheLas 7 categoriescategorías ofde entitiesentidades

ThereExisten aresiete sevencategorías categoriesde ofentidades entitiesen inel theestándar GedcomGedcom. standard.Una Anentidad entitysiempre alwayspertenece belongsa touna, one,y andsólo onlya one,una, ofde theseestas sevensiete categories.categorías.

EachCada categorycategoría hastiene itssus dedicatedpropias properties.propiedades. However,Sin regardlessembargo, ofindependientemente thede categoryla tocategoría whicha theyla belong,que allpertenezcan, entitiestodas operatelas accordingentidades tooperan thesegún samelos principles.mismos Thereprincipios. areEstos describedse below.describen a continuación.

InEn Ancestris, alltodas entitieslas areentidades easilyson accessiblefácilmente fromaccesibles thedesde Entityla Table.Tabla de Entidades.



AnUn individual,individuo, oro apersona, person,es isun aser humanhumano, being,vivo livingo orfallecido. deceased.Es Itel iscomponente theprincipal primaryde componentcualquier of any genealogy.genealogía.

InEn theel Gedcomestándar standard,Gedcom, anuna individualpersona isse defineddefine bymediante thela etiqueta INDI tag,y andtiene hasun annúmero identificationde numberidentificación whichque couldpuede nearlyser beprácticamente anything.cualquier Incosa. En Ancestris, thiseste ID startscomienza withcon thela letterletra I.I.

AppearanceApariencia inen Ancestris : Ancestris_gedcom_tag_sexm.png Ancestris_gedcom_tag_sexf.png Ancestris gedcom tag sexin.png INDI IndividualIndividuo

TheLas mainprincipales propertiespropiedades ofde anun individualindividuo are:son:

  • aun name,nombre, madeformado ofpor aun firstnombre namey andun aapellido, lastname,y andposiblemente possibilyformado madepor ofotros otherelementos namedel elements.nombre.
  • eventsacontecimientos suchcomo asel birth,nacimiento, marriage,el occupation,matrimonio, andla manyocupación others.y muchos otros.
  • relationshipsrelaciones withcon otherotros individualsindividuos inen thela genealogy.genealogía.

EventsLos andeventos relationshipsy arelas probablyrelaciones theson mostprobablemente interestinglas partspartes ofmás yourinteresantes genealogyde becausetu theygenealogía areporque theson pieceslas ofpiezas informationde thatinformación que willte letpermitirán youcomprender understandla thevida lifede oftus yourantepasados ancestors​​y andlas thehistorias storiesque theypodrían could tell you.contarte.

Ancestris_gedcom_tag_name.png NAMENOMBRE : namenombre ofde anuna individual.persona. ThisEsta tagetiqueta canpuede berepetirse repeatedsi ifla thepersona individuales isconocida knowncon undervarios several names.nombres.

GedcomSintaxis syntax:Gedcom:

NAME Lt. Cmndr. Joseph /Allen/ jr.

InEn thiseste exampleejemplo, se considera jr. iscomo consideredsufijo thedel suffixnombre. ofToda thela name.información Allse theintrodujo informationúnicamente wasen enteredla only in theetiqueta NAME tagsin withoututilizar usingninguna any sub-tag.subetiqueta.

TheEl estándar Gedcom standardproporciona providesuna aestructura detaileddetallada structurepara toalmacenar storeel thenombre namede ofun anindividuo individual,y andespecificar specifytodos alllos theelementos possibleposibles elementsde ofun anombre, name, inen particular NICK andy NSFXNSFX, whichque arese placedcolocan atal thefinal endde of NAME.NOMBRE.

Ancestris_gedcom_tag_name.png GIVN : (givennombre name)de Firstpila) name.Nombre Itsde valuepila. mustSu bevalor identicaldebe toser thatidéntico inal thede NAMEla tag.etiqueta ItNAME. isEs anuna optionaletiqueta tag.opcional. TheLos differentdistintos firstnombres namesde arepila separatedse byseparan acon comma.una coma.
Ancestris_gedcom_tag_name.png NICK : (nickapodo) name)Un Anombre familiar nameo orapodo, nickname,que whichse isutiliza usedademás indel additionapellido to,o oren insteadlugar of,de the last name.este.
Ancestris_gedcom_tag_name.png NPFX  : (nameprefijo prefix)del Namenombre) prefix.Prefijo Andel elementnombre. ofUn theelemento namedel thatnombre precedesque theprecede lastnameal apellido (e.g.por Master,ejemplo, Maestro, General, Doctor, etc.)
Ancestris_gedcom_tag_name.png SPFX : (surnameprefijo prefix)de Particleapellido) beforePartícula theque Lastname.precede Aal complementapellido. toComplemento thedel namenombre whichque isprecede precedingal theapellido name,y andque whichno isse notdebe totener been takencuenta intoal accountordenar whenlos sortingapellidos. lastnames.Los Differentdistintos articlesartículos /o nameprefijos prefixesde areapellido separatedse byseparan acon comma,una forcoma, examplepor inejemplo, theen nameel nombre “de la Cruz”, thiseste valuevalor mustdebe beser “de, la”.
Ancestris_gedcom_tag_name.png SURN : (surname)apellido) LastnameApellido atde birth,nacimiento, familyapellido. name.Los Differentdistintos surnamesapellidos arese separatedseparan bycon auna comma.coma.
Ancestris_gedcom_tag_name.png NSFX : (namesufijo suffix)de Lasnamenombre) Suffix.Sufijo Ade complementapellido. toComplemento thedel name,nombre, anartículo, article,que whichsigue followsal theapellido lasty name,que andno whichse isdebe nottener toen becuenta takenal intoordenar accountlos whenapellidos. sortingLos lastnames.diferentes Differentsufijos namede suffixesnombre arese separatedseparan bycon auna comma.coma. Example:Ejemplo: eldest,mayor, son.hijo.
Ancestris_gedcom_tag_note.png NOTENOTA : NoteNota aboutsobre theel individualindividuo
Ancestris_gedcom_tag_sour.png SOUR : SourceFuente ofde informationinformación provingque theacredita existencela andexistencia they characteristicslas ofcaracterísticas thedel individual.individuo.
Ancestris_gedcom_tag_sexin.png ALIA : (alias) LinkEnlace withcon anotherotra individualentidad entity,individual, indicatingque thatindica thisque currentesta individualpersona couldactual be podría duplicateser ofun theduplicado otherde onela andotra thaty oneque ofuna thede twolas shoulddos be removed eventually. It does mean that the two persons are the same person with debería differenteliminarse name.eventualmente. OneSignifica shouldque uselas twodos personas son la misma persona con un nombre diferente. Se deben usar dos etiquetas NAME tagspara foreso, that,dentro withinde oneuna singlesola individualentidad entity.individual.



A family is a couple of human beings, living or deceased, united either by a legal union (e.g. marriage) or by a de-facto union (e.g. co-living). Most often, one or more children are associated with it.

A family is therefore a structure bringing together two or more individuals (spouse, children) as well as a set of specific properties such as the various events associated with it (marriage, divorce, etc.)

In the Gedcom standard, a family is designated by the FAM tag and receives an ID number starting with the letter F in Ancestris.

Appearance in Ancestris : Ancestris_gedcom_tag_fam.png FAM Family



A Media, or Multimedia Element is a photo, an audio or video document (a photograph, an audio recording, a film, a copy of a document, etc.) generally intended to be associated with one or more individuals or families or to be associated with a source.

In the Gedcom standard, a multimedia element is defined by the OBJE tag. It has an ID number starting with the letter M in Ancestris.

Appearance in Ancestris : Ancestris_gedcom_tag_obje.png OBJE multimedia element

Warning ! There are two kinds of multimedia elements: the entity and the property. These two kinds of media, although they have the same tag (OBJE), should not be confused.

  • The multimedia entity can be used by several other entities. It is therefore meant to be shared, collective or common. It is truly autonomous and can exist independently of the entities that refer to it. Example: a audio file specifying your analysis of a research involving several individuals.
  • The multimedia property is intended to qualify a single piece of information of the genealogy. It can only be used once. It is useless when taken out of its context, its connection to the information to which it relates. Example: a video of a newly born child. The multimedia property, unlike the multimedia entity, does not receive any ID number and is only valid for a single property, in a given entity. It can only exist within the entity that includes it. If the entity is deleted, the property disappears with it.

In summary, if the same multimedia object must be assigned to several individuals, several families, etc., it is more efficient to store it in the form of a object entity. Once entered, it will be possible to use it an infinite number of times. As a object property, you would have to re-enter the link to the media file as many times as you would need it.

Warning ! Ancestris does not make any copy of your multimedia files. It just "refers" to the actual files. Ancestris will read them where you will need them in Ancestris. So please do not erase them thinking that Ancestris made a copy of them.



A note is a text information that can be associated with other categories of entities (individuals, families, multimedia elements, etc.) or with a property anywhere in the genealogy.

In the Gedcom standard, a note is defined by the tag NOTE and it has an ID number starting with the letter N in Ancestris.

Appearance in Ancestris : Ancestris_gedcom_tag_note.png NOTE Note

Warning ! There are two kinds of notes: the entity and the property. These two kinds of notes, although they have the same tag (NOTE), should not be confused.

  • The note entity can be used by several other entities. It is therefore meant to be shared, collective or common. It is truly autonomous and can exist independently of the entities that refer to it. Example: a text specifying your analysis of a research involving several individuals.
  • The note property is intended to qualify a single piece of information of the genealogy. It can only be used once. It is useless when taken out of its context, its connection to the information to which it relates. Example: a characteristic of a newly born child. The note property, unlike the note entity, does not receive any ID number and is only valid for a single property, in a given entity. It can only exist within the entity that includes it. If the entity is deleted, the property disappears with it.

In summary, if the same note must be assigned to several individuals, several families, etc., it is more efficient to store it in the form of a note entity. Once entered, it will be possible to use it an infinite number of times. As a note property, you would have to re-enter the text of the note as many times as you would need it.



A source is anything that defines the origin of a piece information. It can be a document, a book, a monument, etc.

It can also be a natural person: your great-grandmother can, for example, be qualified as a source, if she has transmitted a family history to you orally for instance.

This entity is intended to collect very precisely the various references (document title, symbol, act number, page, etc.) in order to allow any subsequent verification of the characteristics of other entities (in particular, individuals and families).

In the Gedcom standard, a source is defined by the SOUR tag and it has an ID number starting with the letter S in Ancestris.

Sources maintain a close relationship with other entities, repositories. A repository contains sources, and sources are located in repositories. Please refer to the following section for detailed considerations on how to organze sources and repositories.

Appearance in Ancestris : Ancestris_gedcom_tag_sour.png SOUR Source

Warning ! There are two kinds of sources: the entity and the property. These two kinds of sources, although they have the same tag (SOUR), should not be confused.

  • The source entity can be used by several other entities. It is therefore meant to be shared, collective or common. It is truly autonomous and can exist independently of the entities that refer to it. Example: a marriage deed.
  • The source property is intended to qualify a single piece of information of the genealogy. It can only be used once. It is useless when taken out of its context, its connection to the information to which it relates. The source property, unlike the source entity, does not receive any ID number and is only valid for a single property, in a given entity. It can only exist within the entity that includes it. If the entity is deleted, the property disappears with it.

In summary, if the same source must qualify several events of individuals, families, etc., it is more efficient to store it in the form of a source entity. Once entered, it will be possible to use it an infinite number of times. As a source property, you would have to re-enter the characteristics of the source as many times as you would need it.



A submitter is a person who collects information to contribute to the construction of a genealogy file.

This person is likely to be one of the authors of the genealogy, or any genealogists likely to provide the Ancestris user with their genealogical information.

In the Gedcom standard, a submitter is defined by the SUBM tag and it has an ID number starting with the letter B in Ancestris.

Appearance in Ancestris : Ancestris_gedcom_tag_subm.png SUBM Submitter



A repository is a place where genealogy sources can be found (documents, books, audio recordings, films, etc.). It can be a physical building (e.g. archive, cemetery), or a website (e.g. the website of the archive service).

Repository entities maintain a close relationship with source entities. A repository is likely to contain several sources, a source belongs to a repository.

In the Gedcom standard, a repository is defined by the REPO tag and it has an ID number starting with the letter R in Ancestris.

Appearance in Ancestris : Ancestris_gedcom_tag_repo.png REPO Lieu de stockage


Header entity

The header entity is the first record of the Gedcom file. The header contains information about the file: version of the standard (5.5 or 5.5.1), the author of the file, structure of jurisdictions in places, etc.

Its creation is taken care of by Ancestris when creating a new file. You most probably will not need to change it after creation.

In Ancestris, it can be edited using the Menu > File > Properties. Refer to the File Properties page for more details.


Identification number of an entity

The ID number is an identification number assigned to each entity, within the same category. In order to avoid the creation of possible duplicates, this number is obviously unique.

Moreover, this particular number always has the same form, namely a letter followed by a certain number of digits. Each category of entity being associated with a particular letter, the first letter of the ID number indicates the category to which it belongs.

The user does not have to worry about assigning a new ID number when creating a new entity: this numbering is carried out automatically by Ancestris.

Note that in the Tools / Preferences / Editions / Identification number menu, a check box can be activated to reuse the ID numbers left available by entities that have been deleted.

Also, you can always change ID numbers later once entities have been created. Use the Generate ID Numbers tool for that.