Software bestanden en gebruikers instellingen
ThereEr arezijn twotwee groupssoorten ofbestanden filesdie forAncestris runninggebruikt.
De software bestanden draaien de applicatie,
TheDe gebruikerssoftwareinstellingfilesbestanden bewarenrundethegebruikersapplication,Theuser settings filesstore user preferences.instellingen.
YouAls mayje lose thede software filesbestanden becausekwijt youraakt cankan alwaysje getze themaltijd fromweer theterug zetten via de Ancestris website;website, butmaar youje shouldmoet backupje youinstellingen userbestanden settingsaltijd filesback-uppen asomdat theydeze arespecifiek specificvoor tojou you.zijn.
Software filesbestanden
Ancestris software filesbestanden willstaan bein inside thede ancestris
foldermap useddie duringgebruikt theis installation.bij de installatie.
YouJe can type kan whereis ancestris
intikken onop aeen terminalcommando toregel findom outte whatweten thatte folderkomen welke map dat is . (notDit inwerkt niet onder Windows).
This De ancestris
foldermap containsbevat thede followingvolgende sub-folders.mappen:
: executablefilebestandto startom Ancestrisunderonder MacOS and Linux te starten.ancestris.exe
: executablefilebestandto startom Ancestrisunderonder Windows te starten.ancestris64.exe
: executablefilebestandto startom Ancestrisunderonder Windowswithte starten met Java 64-bit architecture (recommended)aanbevolen).ancestris.gif
: Ancestrisiconicoon,toteusegebruikenwhenwanneercreatingjeaneenapplicationapplicatielaunchersnelkoppelingshortcutmaakt.otheranderer Ancestrisiconsiconen.
WhenWanneer youje reinstallAncestris Ancestris,opnieuw youinstalleert, simplyvervang replacedan thosedeze software files.bestanden..
User settings files
The user directory
Ancestris user settings files are in the user directory.
You can see the location of the user directory on the About dialogue.
This dialogue can be accessed from the main menu / Help / About Ancestris or else by clicking on the About button .
Example :
This user directory depends on your operating system.
- Windows :
C:\Users\[your name]\.ancestris\<version>
- MacOS :
${HOME}/Library/Application Support/ancestris/<version>
- Linux :
Where <version>
is the installed version number.
: in this case, the main version 10trunk
: in this case, the daily version 11
The configuration file and the log file
There are two especially important files in the user's folder for startup and diagnostic of eventual bugs.
- The configuration file :
<user's folder>/etc/ancestris.conf
defines the launch settings. - The log file :
<user's folder>/ancestris/ancestris.log
stores all warnings and error messages occurring while you use Ancestris.
Here are also located your preferences and customised templates.
- Your preferences :
<user's folder>/ancestris/config
- Your personal templates :
<user's folder>/ancestris/blueprints
- Your almanacs :
<user's folder>/ancestris/almanac
- Your individual and family record templates :
<user's folder>/ancestris/gedart
- Your history of modifications :
<user's folder>/var/cache/ModificationsHistory
Please check the user guide to learn what these templates are for.
Detailed description
~/.ancestris/trunk |
User directory |
When you reinstall Ancestris, user settings files are not modified and you should be able to run the updated version with all your previous settings.
However, there could be some changes in the way the new version uses some of the settings.
- If this is the case, we recommend you to only keep the ancestris, config, etc and ModificationsHistory folders.
- If you have trouble with the windows, we recommend you to remove the Windows2Local folder.
Uninstall Ancestris
To uninstall Ancestris, just delete the 2 folders of the software files and the user settings files.