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Herinstallatie of upgraden van Ancestris

There are several situations where you may need to reinstall Ancestris, but they all end up following the same steps described below.

Situaties die herinstallatie rechtvaardigen

herinstalleren van Ancestris op dezelfde computer
  • als er een nieuwe versie van Ancestris is uitgekomen en je wilt van deze nieuwe voordelen profiteren moet je upgraden naar een n nieuwe versie (11).
  • als er een belangrijke aanpassing is uitgekomen binnen de zelfde versie, meestal de dagelijkse versie, en het team bijvoorbeeld  deze veranderingen ook aanbrengt op het Ancestris platform, zal het team vragen de veranderingen ook aan te brengen op het platform. Om op de hoogte te blijven van deze wijzigingen zal je ingeschreven moeten zijn voor de nieuwsbrief.
  • als een verandering op je computer heeft plaatsgevonden of sommige Ancerstris bestanden zijn verdwenen da zal Ancestris in dat geval niets goed meer werken. In die situatie zal je Ancestris opnieuw moeten installeren.

In all those situations, your action will result in reinstalling Ancestris.

When reinstalling Ancestris, you will automatically be able to preserve your customizations.

It is up to you to decide if you want to reinstall Ancestris at the same location on your computer or not.
In either case, we recommend you to get rid of the former Ancestris instance and replace the Software files.
In case you were to keep two different instances of Ancestris on the same computer, Ancestris might get confused as there is only one set of user settings.


Reinstalling Ancestris on a second computer

If you are to install Ancestris on a second computer, just proceed as a regular first-time installation.

If you want to have the same user settings on both computers, you should first copy the user settings folder from one computer to the other one.

Alternatively, you can also use the export button of the Ancestris preferences window.


Reinstalling stable version 10

To reinstall the main version, while preserving your user settings, just proceed as a regular first-time installation.

It should be much quicker as Java should already be installed and your Ancestris launcher is already set.

In practice, it will consist of simply replacing the 5 folders listed in the following steps.


Reinstalling daily version 11

To upgrade from the main version to the daily version, or reinstall the daily version, while preserving your user settings, follow the instructions below.

You have two possibilities:

  • Either erase the previous application and re-install the new one (the preferred choice for MacOS).
  • Or replace the existing files with the new ones, which lets you keep the launcher that you might have set up (the preferred choice for Linux and Windows).

In the first situation, erase the previous Ancestris application and reinstall the new one. Your personal settings should remain.

In the second situation, follow the steps below:

  • Quit Ancestris, if it is running
  • Download the daily version from the Ancestris web site and install it as per the initial installation.
  • In case you need to replace the files manually, go to the ancestris folder of the previous installation and delete the following 5 folders
    • ancestris
    • bin
    • etc
    • harness
    • platform
  • Replace them with the recently downloaded corresponding 5 folders included in the package or the compressed archive.
  • Restart Ancestris as usual

In case some settings no longer work, or are not compatible with the new version, please refer to the User settings page if you want to manage them yourself.