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Trin-for-trin installation af version 11 til Windows

Denne side viser, hvordan du trin-for-trin installerer Ancestris til Windows.

Sektionerne nedenfor er uafhængige og du skal alle trinene igennem.

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Du skal vide hvilken Java version du bruger

Java Kontrolpanel

Åben Windows Kontrolpanel og derefter Java KontrolPanel.

På kanppens Generelt, klik på 'Om' for at checke den installerede Java version.


På dens sikkerhedsknap, fjern hak fra 'Enable Java content for browsers and Web Start applications' for at øge sikkerheden.




Alternativt kan du her se, hvilken Java version du har:

1 - Åben luppen ved siden af startknappen. Skriv 'cmd'. Nu åbnes et sort vindue, Kommandoprompt.

2 - Skriv 'java -version'Type Nu vil du få vist, hvilken Java version du har, f.eks. Java Version 8 (også kaldet 1.8) 64-Bit version. Hvis Java ikke er installeret: Følg denne vejledning for at installere det.

java version "1.8.0_221"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_221-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.221-b11, mixed mode)

If it shows "64 Bit", you have Java 64-Bit installed and you will be able to run ancestris64.exe to launch Ancestris
If it does not show 64-Bit, you have installed Java 32-Bit and you will not be able to launch Ancestris with ancestris64.exe. It will not find Java. You will need to launch Ancestris with ancestris.exe.

3 - Skriv 'exit' og Enter for at lukke Kommandoprompten.


Install Ancestris version 11

Follow the instructions below from your Windows system.

1/6 - Download Ancestris
  • Go to
  • Click on 'DOWNLOAD' in the Menu
  • Then click on the ANCESTRIS 11 button of the Windows panel.
  • Downloading may take 2 to 3 minutes



2/6 - Extract the Ancestris file
  • Ancestris does not need to be installed as it runs directly from its .exe file.
  • So right-click the downloaded file, choose 'Extract All' and select a destination folder where the .exe file can run.
  • On Windows 7, unzip into the C:\Program Files folder otherwise Ancestris won't run.



3/6 - Check the Ancestris file to run
  • In the destination folder, open the ancestris folder and then the bin folder; there the ancestris64.exe file will run Ancestris on a 64-bit system, while the ancestris.exe file will run it on a 32-bit system.



4/6 - Add an Ancestris shortcut
  • Right-click on the ancestris64.exe or ancestris.exe file and choose 'Pin to Start' or 'Pin to taskbar' to add a shortcut to the Start menu or the Taskbar.


  • Then set the icon of the resulting Ancestris shortcut. For that, you need to right-click on the shortcut and replace the icon with the ancestris.gif file.


5/6 - Click the shortcut and Ancestris then starts



6/6 - The Welcome page then appears. You are now ready to use Ancestris.



If Ancestris does not start, it might be related to a Java version issue. You may have to swap the Java version.
Please follow these instructions.