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Onde estão os utilizadores do Ancestris?

AncestrisUtilizadores users,do whoAncestris, arequem wesomos ?nós?

HardÉ todifícil Passionatedizer. peopleApaixonados aboutpela Genealogy.genealogia. PeoplePessoas whoque wantdesejam todeixar leavealgo somethingútil usefule andinteressante interestingaos forseus their descendants.descendentes.

Currently,Actualmente, thea bestmelhor optionopção forpara yougarantir toque makeos sureseus yourdados genealogygenealógicos datasão willpassados becom ablesegurança toa transfergerações safelyfuturas toé laterutilizar generations is to useo Ancestris topara manageos andgerir savee your data.gravar.

WeNão donos notqueremos wanttornar anydependentes softwarede tonenhum makeprogrmaa. usNão dependant.desejamos Wever doos notnossos wantesforços ourde lifelonguma effortsvida topresos bepor lockedum inprograma softwareou orcomputador aque computer thatnão canpode noser longeracedido, beou accessedpleo orqual that wenão nopodemos longerpagar. paySomos for.todos Wepromotores areda allgenealogia promoters of free genealogy.gratuita.


WhereOnde areé we?que estamos?

AnUm mapa de utilizadores do Ancestris users map wasfoi auma greatgrande idea.ideia. ForPara usnós atno Ancestris, thisisto isé alsotambém aum greatreconhecimento recognitiondos ofnossos ouresforços effortspara tolhe bringtrazer youeste thisprograma software,e andque wenos feeldeixa verymuito proudorgulhoso everyquando timeolhamos wepara lookeste at this map!mapa!

The map displays all users that wanted their name to appear on the map.

Worldwide Ancestris Users Map



How to make your name appear on the map?

The more we are referenced on the map, the better for all users.

To make your name appear on the map, please click on the map where you live. It will automatically copy the coordinates into the request form. Then click on the button that says "Please add me to the map!".

A form will appear. Just fill it in with the following information.

  • Your first and last name
  • Your geo coordinates. It should be already filled in from the previous right-click on the map.
  • Your city and country
  • Your email - necessary so we can reply to you.
  • You operating system (Linux, MacOS, Windows)

Press "Send request". It will send us an email that we will check and process.

We will reply to you when your name has been added.


What can the user community bring to you?

All of us are volunteers and we benefit from each others help. We help you. You help the others.

We constitute a great community and welcome new users. We have a positive spirit and are happy like this.

Feel free to post questions to the Forum or the Distribution list. We are usually very reactive.

Once you become a user, it would be great for you to be able to share your experience with other users. Have a look at the forum from time to time and you will see how easy it is to just help others.