Geninstallér eller opgradér Ancestris
ThereDer areer severalflere situationssituationer, wherehvor youdu maykan needhave tobehov reinstallfor at geninstallere Ancestris, butmen theydet allforegår endefter upsamme following the same steps described below.metode:
SituationsSituationer tohvor justifydu reinstallationhar brug for at geninstallere
ReinstallingGeninstallering af Ancestris onpå theden samesamme computer
IfHvisaennewny versionofaf Ancestrisis outfrigivesandogyouduwantgernetovilbenefitbenyttefromden,it.f.eks.Foropgraderinginstance, upgrading fromfra version 10to versiontil 11.IfHvistherederwaseraenmajorstørremodificationopdateringofafthe samesamme version,usuallyf.eks.thedendailynyeste version.For instance, when theHvis Ancestristeamteametmakeslaverchangesændringerto theaf Ancestrisplatform,platformen, geninstallere programmet.ToForbeatnotifiedfåofbeskedsuchomchangesdisse ændringer,youerwillduneednødttotil at tilmelde digsubscribe to the distribution listdistributionslisten.IfHvis der er sket enaændringchangepåhas happened to yourdin computer,orellerif somenogle Ancestrisfilesfilerareerlostgået tabt.InIthisden situation, kan det være, at Ancestrismightikkenolængerelongervirkerwork properly.ordentligt.
InI allalle thosedisse situations,situationer yourskal actiondu will result in reinstallinggeninstallere Ancestris.
WhenVed reinstallingen geninstallering af Ancestris, youvil willdul automaticallyautomatisk befå ablemulighed for at bevare din opsætning.
Det er op til dig at vurdere, om du vil lægge din geninstallerede version af Ancestris på samme sted på din computer eller et andet sted..
Hvis du lægger den et andet sted, anbefaler vi at du sletter den gamle version.
Hvis du beholder to preserveversioner your customizations.
It is up to you to decide if you want to reinstallaf Ancestris atpå thesamme samecomputer, location on your computer or not.In either case, we recommend you to get rid of the formerkan Ancestris instanceblive andforvirret, replaceda theprogrammet Softwarekun files.Inkan case you were to keep two different instances of Ancestris on the same computer, Ancestris might get confused as there isrumme onlyen one set of user settingsbrugeropsætning..
ReinstallingGeninstallere Ancestris onpå aen secondanden computer
IfHvis youdu arevil to installhave Ancestris onpå aen secondanden computer, justskal du proceedinstallere assom aen regularførstegangsinstallation first-timepå installationden anden computer..
IfHvis youdu want tovil have thesamme samebrugeropsætning userpå settingsbegge oncomputere, bothskal computers,duførst youkopiere shoulddin firstbrugeropsætning copyfra theden user settings folder from oneene computer totil theden other one.anden.
Alternatively,Alternativt youkan candu alsoogså usebruge theeksportknappen exporti button of the Ancestris preferences window.opsætningsvinduet.
ReinstallingGeninstallering stableaf den stabile version 10
ToFor reinstallat thegeninstallere maindenne version, whileog preservinggemme yourdin user settings, justopsætning, proceedfortsæt assom aen regular first-time installationførstegangsinstallation.
ItDet shoulder behurtigst, much quicker asda Java shouldallerede alreadyburde bevære installedinstalleret and yourog Ancestris launcherstart-op isallerede alreadyer set.gemt.
InI practice,praksis itvil willden consist of simply replacing theerstatte 5 foldersmapper, listedsom invist thei followingde steps.næste trin.
ReinstallingGeninstallering dailyaf version 11 med daglig opdatering
ToFor upgradeat fromopgradere thefra mainhovedversionen til den daglige version, vil dine indstillinger blive bevaret, hvis du følger instruktionen nedenfor.
Du har to muligheder:
- Enten slet hele den forrige version
toogtheinstallérdailydenversion, or reinstall the daily version, while preserving your user settings, follow the instructions below.You have two possibilities:Either erase the previous application and re-install the new onenye (thedenpreferredforetruknechoicemetodefortil MacOS).OrEllerreplaceerstattethedeexistingeksisterendefilesfilerwithmedthenye,newhvilketones,gør,whichatletsduyoukankeepbeholdetheopstarten,launchersomthatduyouharmightvalgthave set upden, (thedenpreferredforetruknechoicemetodefortil Linuxandog Windows).
InIthedenfirstførste situation; slet den tidligere version af Ancestris og installér den nye version. Dine personlige opsætninger burde blive bevaret.I den anden situation,
erasefølgthedisseprevious Ancestris application and reinstall the new one. Your personal settings should remain.In the second situation, follow the steps below:trin:QuitLukAncestris, if it is runningAncestris.- Download
thedendailydaglige versionfrom thefra Ancestrisweb sitehjemmesidenandoginstallinstallérit as per the initial installation.den. InHviscaseduyoufårneedbrugtoforreplaceattheerstattefilesfilernemanually,manuelt,gogåtotiltheAncestris
mappenancestrisfolderpåofdentheforrigepreviousversioninstallationogandsletdelete the followingdisse 5foldersmapper:ancestris
ReplaceErstatthemdemwithmedthederecentlynyestedownloadeddownloadedecorrespondingtilsvarende5mapper,folderssomincludedfølgerinmedtheipackagedenorkomprimeredethe compressed archive.mappe.RestartÅbn Ancestrisassomusualsædvanlig.
InHviscasenoglesomeopsætningersettingsikkenolængerelongervirker,work,ellerorikkeareernotkompatiblecompatiblemedwithdenthe newnye version,pleaseserefer to the User settings pageBrugeropsætningssidenifhvisyouduwantselvtovilmanagearrangerethem yourself.dem.